Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Me sick!

Happy Birthday to me. I went to the Doctor's today and he told me that I have a sinus infection. I have never had one before so I guess there is a first for everything. I just feel so crappy. Now I have to take antibiotics for the next 10 days. I hope to feel better tomorrow so I can actually do some work at work and get to the Otter's game.

Today I am sitting here watching some soaps and Passions is so boring. I can't believe that I actually used to like this show, what was I thinking? Tonight Martha is on with her new Apprentice show and I am going to watch that.

Monday, September 26, 2005

The sniffles

I feel like crap today. I have caught a cold and I need to get rid of it, any takers? Well, the weekend was fun. Friday went out with Pam and Beth, had too much to drink and was not feeling well Saturday morning. At my age, you would think that I knew how to drink, but it seems I had forgotten. Rule 1, don't mix your alcohol, and Rule 2, don't eat just a salad before you go out, get some bread in your tummy to soak up the liquids. So I wake up Saturday feeling like a truck had run me over, and I felt the same way Sunday and Monday. I hope that I can fall asleep tonight and breathe out of at least one of my nostrils. My kitty has been a trooper all day with me though. He has been laying with me through this, what a good boy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cyrus the devil kitty

Happy Halloween Cyrus! Here is my brave kitty trying on his halloween costume, what a good little boy. Anyways, Not too much going on today except being lazy after working 11 hours. I am just so exhausted, maybe I need to take my vitamins more often. Well, another day at work tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Shoes, oh shoes where are you??

OMG, why are we watching the Office Chad? That is really the dumbest show I have ever seen, seriously. I don't know how that is on another season and how it was able to get good reviews. Anyways, I am tired and my back hurts alot today. Why is it that when I am out to find the perfect pair of shoes to wear with my dress clothes, it is impossible. I have been searching for the perfect shoes for a week and have had no luck. I found the perfect pair at Payless however, they were brown instead of black. I am looking for black pointy heels with a 1 inch heel to wear with my court clothes. It seems that they like to make shoes with 2-3 inch heels of which I can not wear due to my back problem. I already have 2 pair of 2 inch heel shoes and I can not wear them b/c I end up with a very sore back. So, I am still on the search for these shoes. I am starting to be a little less particular about the shoe style, but I still need a 1 inch heel. Here are the brown ones I like.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Weekend fun...

All I have to say is that I am exhausted. I had a very busy weekend that is for sure. Ok, Friday I went to hospital to see my brother because he needed surgery on his stomach. A bike handle bar went through his stomach Wednesday while he was riding it. After that, went to see gram b/c she had a cortisone shot done that day and needed a few things from the basement. Saturday, went to see a movie "Just Like Heaven" with the husband and it was soooo good! I recommend that movie if you are looking for a funny love story. Then, went to find shoes, and didn't. So, Pam and I were on our way to the Otters hockey game, paid 3 bucks to park, went into the arena and discovered that I did not bring my ticket stub. Ok, so we go back to her apartment and back to the hockey game. We saw Chris, the brother in law there and has some beers. After that, went home and did some laundry.

Sunday, woke up at 7:00am to be ready for Denny, Traci, and Nikki to be here by 8:30am to meet us. We were on our way to Allegheny Forest to do some rappelling. This was the first time I had gone and was verrrrry nervous as I am very afraid of heights. The first time I went down, I didn't like it. The second time was much better and the thrid, even better. After everyone had their turns, we headed to another cliff that was twice the size of the first one. I was not brave enough to rappel off of that one, so I watched. Maybe some day I will be brave enough.

Friday, September 16, 2005

I found this from Molly's journal

You Belong in Rome

You're a big city girl with a small town heart

Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome

Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand

And gorgeous Italian men - could life get any better?

What City Do You Belong in? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

This is totally me! I sure snagged my italian guy.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I love this picture of my kitty.

Cyrus' first day in a new home.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Longing for something new

Hello blog. Today was a pretty good day as I spent alot of time getting paperwork done and was in a pretty good mood. I am going to apply for a new position within my workplace and if I don't get it, I will apply for another one until eventually, I get something new. I don't want to jinx myself by putting that on here, but I really don't care and don't think my writing it out will determine if I get it or not. Tomorrow will be a busy morning and the afternoon, not so busy. bye bye!

The dirty kitty.

Not too much going on and the weekend was pretty relaxing. This week is my supervisor's last week as she is moving on to another job. Now I wait to find out who my new supervisor will be until they hire someone else. Cyrus is such a funny kitty. Sunday morning/afternoon I woke up to see Cyrus sitting on the floor covered in blue powder coat. Apparently Chad left the basement door open and Cyrus must have gone down there during the night. There was also a spot on the carpet that was blue. I was laughing so hard and it was great. Needless to say, he got a well deserved shower that day.

Friday, September 09, 2005

New template

Not much to say other than that I decided to change my layout for my blog. Today I brought work home with me so I can get some of this crap done. I am going to do a little work Sunday at home if I get time. Tomorrow another day in court for the 4 day in a row, but I don't think it will be too bad. I will be super busy tomorrow. We won 50 bucks at the Nautilus b/c Chad was able to spin the wheel for referring Chris, I got to spin the wheel yay! I am hoping to have a nice weekend.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I need sleep...

It is 12:15 and I am not too tired as I had taken an hour nap today, lazy me. I was just so tired today, all day!! So, I decided to blog to help me sleep better tonight. This morning I woke up at 6:15am to my kitty Cyrus barfing out his food on the floor. I am glad he actually made it on the floor instead of the pillow and clothes beside it. Anywho, this past weekend was a blast. I'm thinking my exhaustion has something to do with that.

Friday Pam and I drove to Cleveland to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Science Center. That place is very cool. I did not know that The Who made a movie called Tommy. It must have been very popular because the top 2 floors was all about it/them. We were also able to see clothes celebrities actually wore. I saw outfits from Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Tiffany, and others. They must be very tiny girls, I guess the camera really does add 10 pounds on people, geez.

Saturday, Chad, Kelly, Mike, and I woke up super early and arrived to Edinboro at 6:45am to catch a bus to Cedar Point. The tickets only cost us 15.00 a piece so it was definitely worth it. I haven't been there in about 2 years and it is amazing how quickly you forget what some rides are like. I remembered that I loved the Millenium Force roller coaster, but it blew my mind again as I rode it. I can't believe how fast that thing is! We tried the new ride called MaxAir and that was interesting. It felt like I was being thrown into the air then falling. That was very fun. So, we get home at like midnight and have a good night sleep to awaken at noon Sunday.

So, Sunday, Chad and I leave Erie about 5:00pm to visit with some friends in Uniontown. We arrive there at 8:00pm and have some food and drinks. We played games and hung out. Monday came and we headed home about 4:00 I think, stopped at another friends house, had dinner, looked at wedding pics, then headed home about 6:00 or so. We arrived home around 9:00pm and I was beat. The next day, was a work day and I was so wanting to call of, but I couldn't b/c I had court of course. Anyways, I am hoping to get a new job or at least a new position. I will keep hoping. Work is keeping me busy that's for sure. I need to get caught up though...ahhhh!