Monday, September 26, 2005

The sniffles

I feel like crap today. I have caught a cold and I need to get rid of it, any takers? Well, the weekend was fun. Friday went out with Pam and Beth, had too much to drink and was not feeling well Saturday morning. At my age, you would think that I knew how to drink, but it seems I had forgotten. Rule 1, don't mix your alcohol, and Rule 2, don't eat just a salad before you go out, get some bread in your tummy to soak up the liquids. So I wake up Saturday feeling like a truck had run me over, and I felt the same way Sunday and Monday. I hope that I can fall asleep tonight and breathe out of at least one of my nostrils. My kitty has been a trooper all day with me though. He has been laying with me through this, what a good boy.

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