Tuesday, September 13, 2005

The dirty kitty.

Not too much going on and the weekend was pretty relaxing. This week is my supervisor's last week as she is moving on to another job. Now I wait to find out who my new supervisor will be until they hire someone else. Cyrus is such a funny kitty. Sunday morning/afternoon I woke up to see Cyrus sitting on the floor covered in blue powder coat. Apparently Chad left the basement door open and Cyrus must have gone down there during the night. There was also a spot on the carpet that was blue. I was laughing so hard and it was great. Needless to say, he got a well deserved shower that day.


  1. Chad and I are doing well. We work and sleep, and work, and eat. What ever happened to going bowling again? That was pretty fun.

  2. Tell Chad i said to stop trying to Powder Coat the cats... cats and ovens DO NOT MIX
