Sunday, September 18, 2005

Weekend fun...

All I have to say is that I am exhausted. I had a very busy weekend that is for sure. Ok, Friday I went to hospital to see my brother because he needed surgery on his stomach. A bike handle bar went through his stomach Wednesday while he was riding it. After that, went to see gram b/c she had a cortisone shot done that day and needed a few things from the basement. Saturday, went to see a movie "Just Like Heaven" with the husband and it was soooo good! I recommend that movie if you are looking for a funny love story. Then, went to find shoes, and didn't. So, Pam and I were on our way to the Otters hockey game, paid 3 bucks to park, went into the arena and discovered that I did not bring my ticket stub. Ok, so we go back to her apartment and back to the hockey game. We saw Chris, the brother in law there and has some beers. After that, went home and did some laundry.

Sunday, woke up at 7:00am to be ready for Denny, Traci, and Nikki to be here by 8:30am to meet us. We were on our way to Allegheny Forest to do some rappelling. This was the first time I had gone and was verrrrry nervous as I am very afraid of heights. The first time I went down, I didn't like it. The second time was much better and the thrid, even better. After everyone had their turns, we headed to another cliff that was twice the size of the first one. I was not brave enough to rappel off of that one, so I watched. Maybe some day I will be brave enough.

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