Thursday, September 08, 2005

I need sleep...

It is 12:15 and I am not too tired as I had taken an hour nap today, lazy me. I was just so tired today, all day!! So, I decided to blog to help me sleep better tonight. This morning I woke up at 6:15am to my kitty Cyrus barfing out his food on the floor. I am glad he actually made it on the floor instead of the pillow and clothes beside it. Anywho, this past weekend was a blast. I'm thinking my exhaustion has something to do with that.

Friday Pam and I drove to Cleveland to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Science Center. That place is very cool. I did not know that The Who made a movie called Tommy. It must have been very popular because the top 2 floors was all about it/them. We were also able to see clothes celebrities actually wore. I saw outfits from Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Tiffany, and others. They must be very tiny girls, I guess the camera really does add 10 pounds on people, geez.

Saturday, Chad, Kelly, Mike, and I woke up super early and arrived to Edinboro at 6:45am to catch a bus to Cedar Point. The tickets only cost us 15.00 a piece so it was definitely worth it. I haven't been there in about 2 years and it is amazing how quickly you forget what some rides are like. I remembered that I loved the Millenium Force roller coaster, but it blew my mind again as I rode it. I can't believe how fast that thing is! We tried the new ride called MaxAir and that was interesting. It felt like I was being thrown into the air then falling. That was very fun. So, we get home at like midnight and have a good night sleep to awaken at noon Sunday.

So, Sunday, Chad and I leave Erie about 5:00pm to visit with some friends in Uniontown. We arrive there at 8:00pm and have some food and drinks. We played games and hung out. Monday came and we headed home about 4:00 I think, stopped at another friends house, had dinner, looked at wedding pics, then headed home about 6:00 or so. We arrived home around 9:00pm and I was beat. The next day, was a work day and I was so wanting to call of, but I couldn't b/c I had court of course. Anyways, I am hoping to get a new job or at least a new position. I will keep hoping. Work is keeping me busy that's for sure. I need to get caught up though...ahhhh!

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