Sunday, August 28, 2005


Alright, it has been about 10 days and I suppose I ought to update here since I do have some time on my hands. Last weekend Chad and I went to the Erie Zoo with Mike and Kelly. It was nice to go to the zoo without kids and getting to actually enjoy it. Thanks for the tour Mike and Kelly!! This weekend what did I do? Friday went with Pam down to Sara's to get some ice cream then she came over and hung out. Saturday I did some shopping with my niece then rented The Notebook and Hackers and watched movies with the hubby. I finished watching the notebook this afternoon and boy were my eyes dripping like a faucet. That movie was such a good love story, when at first I didn't think it would be. For dinner we went over to grama Martini's and she made a wonderful roast beef dinner with all the fixins. Agh, back to work tomorrow.

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