Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Well, woke up at 6:15 this morning and am still going. Yesterday we went to the beach and it was beautiful! It was so hot that I just wanted to go into the water so, I bravely took my shirt off and showed off my baby belly and went into the water. It was refreshing, considering it is Lake Erie water.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday, Monday...

Wow, this morning I woke up at 5:30am only to find myself unable to go back to sleep. So, I played on the computer for a bit, then decided to get some yummy sausage mcmuffins from McDonalds!! Came home and woke the hubby up and watched the morning news. It was time to take my morning shower and to my dismay, the water was not even close to hot. I jumped in the shower and the water was cold. I thought the cold was on all the way but, it wasn't. I turned the cold water all the way off and found the hot to be moderately warm. Minute after minute the water became colder and colder, and colder... Luckily it is the summer and nice and warm. Needless to say, I took a really quick shower this morning. I came to find out that father in law turned the pilot light off on the water heater the previous day and forgot to relight it. Other than that, my day went pretty well. Have had some contractions on and off today, but nothing unbearable. We'll see if baby Zoe comes during the full moon.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Yay, I bid on a fall coat for baby Zoe and I won it today for only 9 bucks on Ebay! It says Baby Zoe on the front. I can't wait for it to come in. I need to start selling on Ebay again.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Greeting from white house

Here is a reminder for myself to contact the White House to get a greeting after the baby is born. Here is the link:

Friday, August 04, 2006

Rocky, soaps, and photoshop

Ah, it's Friday and I have not worked in 3 weeks! I love it! I don't know when the last time I was able to sit home and watch soaps. I am getting to know what is going on again so when I go back to work, I will be good for a while. Still no baby Zoe yet so I was playing with photoshop trying to make announceemnts. I think I found one I liked and hope it works out. Right now I am watching Rocky II with the husband and enjoying the AC.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I am such a nice auntie. Today I helped my neices and nephew clean their rooms. I did more of directing than actually cleaning and it worked out well. I am in the cleaning mode but there is nothing to clean around here so, I found work elsewhere. It feels nice not to actually go to work, I could do this full time!

I can't believe I only have a few more weeks left of being pregnant and a little Zoe will be here. Her room is all ready for her and so are we. Here is a peek at her room.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I can't believe that people are still writing checks this day and age. Why is it that I am always stuck behind someone who is writing a check at the store? It happened to me again. My hands are swelling today and feel really tight just like my feet. It feels really weird. Maybe it was from all of the walking today.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Last Day!

Today was an eventful day for us. Today was my last day of work, yay!! I went to work around 8:00am and didn't feel quite right around 8:30. I was having some braxton hicks contractions until 9:30 when I knew I didn't feel normal. I felt sick and couldn't even talk on the phone to people. I ended up getting evaluated at the hospital and had only 2 contractions there in an hour. The nurse said that baby zoe will most likely come before her due date. It gave me a feel of what labor is going to be like. I came home and took it easy today and am officially done working until 2 months after baby comes. I am really looking forward to this freedom! Yay!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by mon00707.
Today we had another ultrasound and Zoe looked great! She was moving around a lot in there that's for sure. It was so awesome to see her again before she comes into the real world. Chad got some good video of her hearbeat too. Can't wait to meet our little girl!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Pregnancy really is easy to detect

Ok, so how can one not know she is pregnant? I really don't believe people who say they didn't know they were pregnant. I think they must be in severe denial and don't really want to be pregnant. I can totally tell that I am pregnant. Check out this story.

Monday, July 03, 2006

American and proud

Happy 4th of July! Yay, I have a day off tomorrow, I love holidays! Not sure what I am going to do with my free time but I bet I will work on the baby's room and clean the bathroom. My feet are swollen and feel so heavy right now b/c it is so hot in this house. Today I didn't get much done at work b/c I had to get my teeth cavities! Then, had court hearing and that took an hour and a half. So, I had a few moments to spare at my desk, picked up my free carseat, exchanged some baby stuff then came home and cleaned the changing table.

Friday, June 30, 2006


It's Friday, checkup day, then back to work. Uhh, I don't feel like working late tonight but that is what I will probably end up doing. Then, probably end coming in this weekend. I am so annoyed. Zoe has been very active and likes to move around alot, she also likes to sit on my bladder. In the end, it will be worth it all. Had a baby shower last weekend and Zoe received a lot of stuff, she will look so cute in all the outfits. I can't wait to send her pics to everyone when she is born.

Oh, and have you seen Star Jones? She is sooo skinny that I hardly recognized her on TV this morning as she gave an interview. She has lost alot of weight that is for sure. Why they fire her and add Rosie O'donnell is beyond me. I think Rosie is annoying and loud.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I think I am going crazy!!

Work sucks and I am way behind on things. I have about 7 weeks to go until maternity leave and it seems I can't get anything done. I have to return 100 messages and have to balance that with getting paperwork and other stuff done. It's 7:11am and I can't shower b/c FIL is in the shower and I have to wait...arrrrhrhrhrhrh. The turkeys are walking around outside. At least today is a half day and I pick susie up from the airport this afternoon and we get down to business! Zoe is almost here!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wow, I am 8 months already with less than 2 months to go now. I have been tired and took a nap yesterday and today. This week is another busy week at work for me. I think Zoe's head is down now b/c that is where I feel hiccups. Why aren't there any good shows on during the summer? I am so bored watching crap on tv anymore.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Uh, I feel sick today, don't know why. Maybe it is all the stress from work or something. That's all I can think of or could it be the taco bell I had for lunch? I am tired, cranky, and not feeling well. I have to work tomorrow and hopefully I will feel better by then. Yesterday we started childbirth classes and it was pretty cool. I need to go lay down or something.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Chad and Mon at Chocolate World

Chad and Mon at Chocolate World
Originally uploaded by mon00707.

Well, we are back from a little vacation we took in Hershey, PA. It was really nice down there and I had a great time being away from Dreary Erie. I can't wait to take baby Zoe there some day. We toured the mock chocolate factory, went on historic trolly ride, saw 3-D movie, walked the Hershey Gardens, and went outlet shopping/browsing. We also saw a couple movies, I was pampered with manicure, pedicure, and massage. Only 2.5 more months until baby Zoe is here and I can not wait!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

I feel sick..

Ugg, today I had to drink 10 ounces of some orange glucose drink for my Glucose Tolerance test. The doctor checks preggo women to see if they have gestational diabetes that way. This drink is just sitting in my stomach and I could just vomit. OH ya, I had to fast for 12 hours too so one can only imagine how hungry I must be. But, it will be worth it in the end. Today I only work a half day so that is good...however I will be running my buns off b/c I have 4 appts. back to back. Oh what fun. I can't believe I have less than 3 months now until Zoe is here!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Adjustment period

I haven't updated in a while. We have been busy moving the past few weeks. We moved in with my father in law and I hope we don't stay here long. I miss my kitties...He made my kitties move out b/c he couldn't handle their hair etc. Well, you can't confine cats, you just cant. So, my sister allowed them to stay at her house until we find a place of our own. Jekyll seems mad b/c he hisses at everything and Cyrus is getting quite at home. He is very laid back. I worry about Jekyll b/c he hates change alot. I will visit them every day for as long as I can and hope they adjust well. It is certainly taking a toll on me but I keep thinking that this is not permanent and that I will have my buddies back soon. Have you ever wondered if you really made the right decisions in life? I can't wait until Zoe is here so I can focus on her and know that we need to focus on our future.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Aching back :(

My back has been hurting since last Thursday and it is really bugging me. I hope this isn't a prediction of what's to come with this pregnancy. If it gets too bad then I will go see a specialist or something. I just don't feel like going to the chiropractor b/c I pay 15 bucks a pop and it seems to just fix me for the short term. I am sitting here on my couch and it smells so bad like someone is burning outside. I smell it everynight and oh, it stinks! Then in the morning Cyrus does his morning ritual at 6:30am Everyday, and I smell that too.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Too much going on, not enough free time...

Work has been super busy and there is so much changing going on in my life that I haven't felt like posting lately. Not like anyone reads this anyways. I can't wait to go to the Train concert this weekend. Finally a day to forget about everything and have fun. I am too serious of a person. The baby's been moving a lot lately, especially when I am laying down. Jekyll woke me up at 5:30 this morning meowing away. I thought we locked him in the back porch so I hurriedly got out of bed only to see him in front of the back door, wanting to go on the back porch. There must have been an animal under the porch or something. Anyways, I go back to sleep and wake up at my usual 6:30ish and finally up at 7. Had a big breakfast at work and Zoe sure ate alot. Got home late tonight and baked a cake. It is cooling down now but I can't wait to eat it!! My back hurts, I am tired, and it feels like my tummy is pushing outward and feels tight.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Seems like I am always hungry these days. Good thing I bought a box of cereal tonight so I can snack on...Yummy Cinnamon Toast Crunch. This weekend we accomplished the baby registry at Babies R US. It was overwhelming to see all of the baby stuff there is! It is really fun scanning all of the baby stuff and imagining what the baby's room will look like though. Thank goodness we have a 3 day weekend this week!! Yay for Good Friday. Anyways, looks like this week is a very busy work week and I will be on my toes. I hope tomorrow morning goes by quickly and things move along. Off to eat my cereal.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Guess who

I wonder who's under the blanket.....

Oh, it's Cyrus.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Whew, today was a busy day. I got to work this morning, hit the gound running, and hadn't stopped since I got home. I made some dinner and baby Zoe enjoyed the food I think. She was wiggling around when I finished and was making me giggle cuz it kinda tickled. Tomorrow is Friday and I have so much work to do...I am hoping to go in early. Uggg. I am trying not to overwork myself but the crap just keeps piling up and I am not going to get caught up!! I can't wait til the weekend, maybe I will go baby shopping!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My wiggle worm

We had another ultrasound today and saw our little wiggle worm. They said it looks to be a girl as the tech did not see any boy parts and saw girl parts. So, Zoe Grace it will be! We are excited and are thinking pink!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

20 weeks

5 months pregnant today, only 4 more months to go!! I have been feeling more today and it is great! We love you in there!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

The sleepy cat

I think my baby's growing today. I've felt a little pressure this morning and this afternoon when I got home from work. I am really tired as today was an early day and I was up at 6:30 to be at a meeting at 8:00am. I don't know why I did that to myself but note to self: Don't schedule meetings on monday mornings. Anyways, it worked out well because I ended the afternoon about 15 minutes early anyways so I was happy.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Our wedding

Our wedding
Originally uploaded by mon00707.
Playing with photoshop today and made this collage. I am going to do some more later but for now I have some ironing to do. Happy Sunday!

Friday, March 17, 2006


Why do I watch Soap Operas? These darn people have untreated mental health problems and it is really annoying. For instance, why does Theresa keep going after Ethan when he is married and does not like her. She is so psychotic and he mom needs to admit her to the hospital. Anyways, today I took a well deserved half day and am catching up on some daytime television. What a lazy day.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

cold cold, go away

There is really nothing good on tv tonight. I am watching this show called invasion and it looks pretty interesting, a girl is pregnant with alien beings and is having a "litter." Glad I'm not having a litter, just one. I started a cold today and my nose is runny and cloggy and my head hurt. Feeling better now but if I had it my way, I would have taken a sick day this morning. But, I am not that lucky b/c I had work to do. I can't believe that by the end of next week I will be at 20 weeks...that's half way to the end already. The baby is getting bigger everyday and I am waking up more at night. I can't wait to have another ultrasound.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Tired and leaky...

I am exhausted and it is only Monday,ack. Thankfully I am taking Friday afternoon off. I worked 2 hours over today and most of the time I was driving so why would I be so tired?? I need to get a book to read because all I have been reading are pregnancy books and I am getting tired of reading the same things over and over. I have been getting up 2 or 3 times in the middle of the night lately too. MMM, the smell of baking brownies!! yummy...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Mondays and Fridays are the worst days of the week, I so dread them. I did not want to go to work today and I just didn't have the energy to do much this morning but I did. I wish I could do office work all day. I spent the afternoon driving to and from where I was working and finally got home around 5:40. Then, Chad and I went swimming tonight for some exercise. Tomorrow is a late night.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Feeling better

Hmm...This morning I woke up at 5:00am to go to the bathroom and what do you know, I couldn't go back to bed so I just tossed and turned. So, I get out of bed around 7:10 to and take shower while Chad went to the Zoo to get us free zoo tickets, thanks Star 104.

I am very testy these days and am very emotional, hence, I cry a lot. Chad can say anything to rub me the wrong way, or I can watch something on tv and I am a raging river. It is totally not me. For instance, tonight I was watching Ghost Whisperer that I DVR'd from Sunday and by the end, I was was about adoption and I deal a lot about adoption at work. Anyways, work wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and that made me feel a lot better. I finally got my car washed and that was a big load on my shoulders. I hope this month is upward movement from here. January and February have been very difficult for me.

Monday, February 27, 2006

It's monday already...

Monday and I did not feel like working overtime at all so, I left at 5:00 and sucked it up. If I don't get my work done, then I don't. Anyways, I went to the Doctor for a checkup this morning and Chad came with. I have only gained 0.5 pounds since being pregnant. I am feeling hungrier than usual lately so maybe I will gain some more by my next appt. My boss says I'm gonna have a big baby. I'll wait and see. Work sucked and all I wanted to do was go home and I only worked a half day. I am thinking of going into work early tomorrow to finish something up. We'll see if I get there.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Today I received the 2 pair of maternity pants I won from Ebay this weekend. That was fast shipping. I really don't feel like cooking tonight Chad. Please don't make me, I can not make macaroni and cheese with tuna fish, I just can't. You are on your own.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Boy have I been dragging this week at work. I get up in the morning and can hardly keep my eyes open. I have as much sleep as usual but I think I need a break from work. Next week I think I am going to take a day off, hopefully Monday or Friday. Not much going on today, pretty boring. Maybe tomorrow I will hang out with Pam after work. Maybe do some people watching downtown.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Go USA! Sasha Cohen's Olympic performance tonight was awesome, you go girl! First place for you.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I need to relax...

Oh, I am so happy the weekend is finally here! Last night my back hurt and all I wanted to do is lay down. Today is a day of relaxing besides shivering in the freezing cold. Other than that, I need to do some shopping and take the kids home. Later, Chad and I are going to finish up some work. I still have to watch Wedding Crashers and finish my uncles taxes. Oh, and I have Monday off for President's Day!! I really need it, yay for a long weekend.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Will these sinus headaches ever go away oh and the back pain. For the past 2 days I have driven long distances and is killing my back. On a good note, I bought some new clothes today from Kohl's. They are having their clearance sale and I bought tops for $3.50 a piece!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh Baby!

I am 14 weeks 3 days pregnant and today was the first time we were able to see our little baby through an ultrasound. She was so active and kept moving around while the lady was trying to take some pictures. It is too early to tell the sex, but we were excited to see a healthy active person growing. It was so awesome and the most amazing feeling to see that there is really someone in my belly moving. (I think it will be a girl but, we'll wait and see.)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

mon and chad

mon and chad
Originally uploaded by mon00707.
I felt the baby shift this morning. I woke up on my back and turned to the side and could feel the baby move over. Then, I turned on my back and felt it shift again. Pretty neat feeling. Anyways, I am trying to teach myself photoshop and here is something I did last night.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Funny pic

Remember this picture Michael? You were pretty drunk after the bachelor party.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Jekyll the cat

Jekyll the cat
Originally uploaded by mon00707.
Jekyll is the funniest cat. Here he is with his tongue sticking out. It is surprising Chad was able to take a picture becasue he never leaves his tongue out long enough to snap a pic.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I think I have been watching too much Fear Factor lately because last night I had a horrible dream. I dreamt that I had a flying hissing cockroach and a huge bee, almost like a very huge queen bee. We actually had a very huge bee in out house during the summer and my cat was chasing after it in the kitchen. I was so glad he didn't get stung because he probably would have died. The husband took the almighty bee and hornet spray and that immediately shot it down. Anyways, in my dream last night the bee was hiding behind the entertainment center and I kept telling Chad to kill it and he didn't. Then I was walking around the house and my sister was here. The flying cockroach was following me around and got stuck in my hair. I went into a room and flicked the roach in and shut the door. I kept telling my sister to kill the roach and she just ignored me. I immediately woke up and was so scared for a minute and so mad that I dreamt about those disgusting bugs. I think it was also the fact that Chad shut the bedroom door and the cats weren't there to protect me from bad dreams. Tonight they will be by my side.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I have been working very hard these past 3 weeks and am getting very sick of working so much overtime but if I didn't, I would get most of my work done. Anywaysl, I took Friday off so it will be nice to have a day off but I will probably end up working a few hours on Sunday.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Tu parle francis?

Going to a Baby Shower today which should be interesting. I love showers and am planning one for a girl I work with. I woke up early today around 7:30 and I could have stayed up but, I didn't. So officially got up at 9:30am today. My neices were over and they were awake as well so I stayed up and made breakfast. The girls had cereal and I had waffles. I hope there is some food at this shower because I haven't eaten since breakfast and I get cranky when I am hungry. I will bring a snack with me just in case. Au revoir! Monique

Friday, January 13, 2006


I wish I had the motivation to put my Christmas stuff away, perhaps this weekend I will. Today I worked overtime today and got my car washed inside and out. Yesterday I drove to the boonies and almost got stuck in a very muddy drive way. I need a new haircut and I found a website where you can upload your photo and see how you look in different hairstyles.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

New Year.

It is a new year and I have not made any resolutions because I think they are overrated. Today we went to see Hostel and it was a pretty gross movie. Then we had the Olive Garden for dinner and I hardly ate anything. I love their breadsticks. Not much going on around here except for working and enjoying the weekend off. Hopefully tomorrow, Sunday the husband and I will check out some open houses to look at some houses.