Friday, June 23, 2006

I think I am going crazy!!

Work sucks and I am way behind on things. I have about 7 weeks to go until maternity leave and it seems I can't get anything done. I have to return 100 messages and have to balance that with getting paperwork and other stuff done. It's 7:11am and I can't shower b/c FIL is in the shower and I have to wait...arrrrhrhrhrhrh. The turkeys are walking around outside. At least today is a half day and I pick susie up from the airport this afternoon and we get down to business! Zoe is almost here!

1 comment:

  1. Awww honey I'm so sorry things are stacking up against you right now. It can't be easy living with your FIL cause it's not your house and what not. I hope things get better for you soon.

    I'll see you saturday (I am going to be a tad late though cause I don't get done until 11:30 at the barn.)
