Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh Baby!

I am 14 weeks 3 days pregnant and today was the first time we were able to see our little baby through an ultrasound. She was so active and kept moving around while the lady was trying to take some pictures. It is too early to tell the sex, but we were excited to see a healthy active person growing. It was so awesome and the most amazing feeling to see that there is really someone in my belly moving. (I think it will be a girl but, we'll wait and see.)


  1. You need to get a 3d image when you go back.


  2. Congratulations sweetie! It's a wonderful picture. I can't wait until you start showing! *hugs* Happy Valentines day!


  3. Thanks everyone. I don't know if I will get a 3D image of the baby. It depends if they refer me to an imaging center that has it.
