Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday, Monday...

Wow, this morning I woke up at 5:30am only to find myself unable to go back to sleep. So, I played on the computer for a bit, then decided to get some yummy sausage mcmuffins from McDonalds!! Came home and woke the hubby up and watched the morning news. It was time to take my morning shower and to my dismay, the water was not even close to hot. I jumped in the shower and the water was cold. I thought the cold was on all the way but, it wasn't. I turned the cold water all the way off and found the hot to be moderately warm. Minute after minute the water became colder and colder, and colder... Luckily it is the summer and nice and warm. Needless to say, I took a really quick shower this morning. I came to find out that father in law turned the pilot light off on the water heater the previous day and forgot to relight it. Other than that, my day went pretty well. Have had some contractions on and off today, but nothing unbearable. We'll see if baby Zoe comes during the full moon.

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