Thursday, March 31, 2005

I need a car!

Wow, today was very busy for me to say the least. I drove around the county all day for work, but it was worth it. Tomorrow, I will be on the road the whole day as well and probably not set foot in the office and work a little over time. I really need a new car b/c grama's car is in need of repairs and I am sure it is not going to stop! Chad and I went to the Honda dealership today and looked at a Honda Civic Hybrid which gets 47/48 MPG. It will probably take a while to find a used one b/c they are very sparse around here and Chad likes to take his time.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Saturday night Chad and I went to check out the tuxedo and it looked very good on him. All the guys are going to look sharp for the wedding. Then we went over Beth and Jeff's to watch the Bourne Identity and the Bourne Supremecy and Matt Damon is so hot!! Dam Chad, keep working out and you could be the next Bourne...hehehehehe... Oh my gosh!! Chad and I decided to to watch the new show called the Office and it sucks! This show is the dumbest show I have ever seen...not to mention boring and not funny at all. Apparently critics are raving about this new comedy. Have they actually watched the show, because it sucks!! What were the critics thinking? Oh right, critics suck. Who hoo! Now that we have cable, I can watch Sex in the City and am so excited, yay!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Lovin the weekend.

Yay! I had yesterday off for Good Friday so Chad and I went to the Peek to taste the food for the Reception. I had stuffed Chicken, scalloped potatoes, and juliene veggies and it was delicious!!! I especially liked the potatoes. After that, I went out to finalize my flowers and the lady forgot we had an appointment. Luckily she was only going to be gone for 20 minutes so the person that was there helped me pick out ribbon until the other lady came. All in all, it was good and I was able to finalize everything. She is even going to decorate the gazebo for us too...For $100.00. Oh well, something that I won't have to do right? So, the total for the flower lady all together: $625.00. aye carumba! Now today I am going to take my wonderful Mother in Law to the mall so she can pick out some shoes for the Wedding. That will be sooo exciting.hehe...

Thursday, March 24, 2005


I am getting so mad at my printer right now that I could throw it. The darn thing only wants to print what it wants and not what I want. Does it not like cardstock?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wow, today we were able to get some wedding related stuff started. This morning Chad and I went to the Courthouse and applied for our marriage license. We can pick it up on Monday. On I found a cute idea to use for place cards at the reception. Instead of using the normal cards, we are going to make place cards that look like little chairs and have a sign to say "take your seat." I love it!! I will post pics once we finish one. In other news, Jekyll has been quite the active kitty these past couple days. Chad and I have been playing fetch with him and he loves it! He is such a cool cat. He loves a challenge and is especially excited when he has to search for the rolled up paper behind the TV or other confined area.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

It is almost Easter and here is a little Easter message:

Things were slow at work this morning but certainly picked up this afternoon. I just made some chocolate chip cookies and they are yuuuuummmmmyyyy!! I have been wanting to make them for a while now. Tomorrow Chad and I are going to the Court House to apply for our marriage certificate. That should be fun!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

What's wrong with this blog?

I am still trying to figure out why my profile is at the bottom of this darn page. How do I get it to the top? Well, Crossing Jordan is on right now and it is an ok one. I really don't care to see the ones about Jordan's dad, oh well. I am glad that I have a slow morning at work least I think. I am thinking tomorrow I want to go to Tim Horton's for coffee in the morning if I don't have time to make it myself b/c they have good coffee. I get a medium size "triple triple."

Thursday, March 17, 2005

It is St. Patrick's Day and I still have not had green beer...Maybe next year. Anyways, I have been so stressed this week and not sure why. I've had kind of a short fuse the last 3 days and I think work, wedding, grama, and trying to get stuff done is just getting to me. I just dont have enough time for everything and just dont feel like doing anything when I get out of work b/c I am drained from other people's problems. For the last 3 days I have gone to the store for grama and that adds stress to me. I did however get to the gym today, took a Pilates class, and went tanning afterwards. Ahhh, it was so relaxing!! I think my problem is that I worry about everything too much and I am always thinking about something, whether it be work or my personal life. Off to the shower I go.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Getting stuff done.

Wow, do I have a boring blog. Well, today we had our bowling tournament for work and it was fun. I should start bowling more. Yesterday went to hockey game with pam, beth, and danielle...Otters lost. Today Chad and I sent the wedding invites out!!! Now we will wait and see... Making dinner now and going to clean the house tonight and get those Thank You Cards out now. Busy, busy!!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Yay, it's Thursday

Yay, it's Thursday night and my shows are on. Can't wait to see the Apprentice. I am so not looking forward to tomorrow's court hearing. I just don't like private attorneys and my client tells her attorney EVERYTHING and I just don't want him to turn things around on me. We have a good lawyer though and I hope it goes quick b/c I get so nervous at those things. The judge looks mean too, and we all have to stand right in front of him when we testify...Nerve wrecking. I am just making my self more nervous, so I better start thinking positively and going over and over the summary, I know this case. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight considering this darn cold has been keeping me up at night. Chad, please hurry up with the pizza, I am starving!!!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

March is coming along

Saturday I went to have my first dress fitting and go back in March for the 2nd fitting! Lou, Adriausha, and I made the favors for the Shower and now, we wait until Sunday. Heidi seems to have everything under control. I am not feeling very well with this cold/congestion. I need to take some medicine to get rid of this headache. Well, let's see, Friday I have to go to a court hearing for work and hoping it goes well. It should, but I just worry too much. Let's see, this will be my 3rd dispositional, 3 different judges. We need to get working on these invitations.