Thursday, March 17, 2005

It is St. Patrick's Day and I still have not had green beer...Maybe next year. Anyways, I have been so stressed this week and not sure why. I've had kind of a short fuse the last 3 days and I think work, wedding, grama, and trying to get stuff done is just getting to me. I just dont have enough time for everything and just dont feel like doing anything when I get out of work b/c I am drained from other people's problems. For the last 3 days I have gone to the store for grama and that adds stress to me. I did however get to the gym today, took a Pilates class, and went tanning afterwards. Ahhh, it was so relaxing!! I think my problem is that I worry about everything too much and I am always thinking about something, whether it be work or my personal life. Off to the shower I go.

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