Thursday, March 03, 2005

Yay, it's Thursday

Yay, it's Thursday night and my shows are on. Can't wait to see the Apprentice. I am so not looking forward to tomorrow's court hearing. I just don't like private attorneys and my client tells her attorney EVERYTHING and I just don't want him to turn things around on me. We have a good lawyer though and I hope it goes quick b/c I get so nervous at those things. The judge looks mean too, and we all have to stand right in front of him when we testify...Nerve wrecking. I am just making my self more nervous, so I better start thinking positively and going over and over the summary, I know this case. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight considering this darn cold has been keeping me up at night. Chad, please hurry up with the pizza, I am starving!!!!


  1. YAY!!!! It's Friday and that's 2 days before the shower! I can't wait until then!

    Have a great night Monica! Good luck with the court hearing! I so need to find out what exactly you do for a living! hahaha.

  2. PS- that comment is from me!!! Sorry.

