Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Saturday night Chad and I went to check out the tuxedo and it looked very good on him. All the guys are going to look sharp for the wedding. Then we went over Beth and Jeff's to watch the Bourne Identity and the Bourne Supremecy and Matt Damon is so hot!! Dam Chad, keep working out and you could be the next Bourne...hehehehehe... Oh my gosh!! Chad and I decided to to watch the new show called the Office and it sucks! This show is the dumbest show I have ever seen...not to mention boring and not funny at all. Apparently critics are raving about this new comedy. Have they actually watched the show, because it sucks!! What were the critics thinking? Oh right, critics suck. Who hoo! Now that we have cable, I can watch Sex in the City and am so excited, yay!

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