Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I feel tired tonight while the last 2 nights it was hard to fall asleep, go figure. I keep yawning...Maybe my body thinks it is Friday already. I hope to wake up early tomorrow as I have been waking up late and having a hard time waking up these days. I can't wait to go on vacation the last week of December. I will be worry free and spending time with my family.

Whoo hoo, this Saturday we are going to Petsmart to get the kitty pictures with Santa Claus! I hope they turn out good. I am pretty sure Cyrus will be fine, but I am not too sure about Jekyll because he does not like to leave the house and gets mean when he is out. I hope he is able to adjust when we move into new house. 25 Days until Christmas!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I found flickr to upload my photos

Originally uploaded by mon00707.
Here is my neice Breanna hamming it up for the camera while we took a walk in Asbury woods. She is so full of life. Today I was very tired because I took some sleeping pills last night, not going to do that unless absolutely necessary.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Monday woes

Wow, I am not ready for this week, I think I will take Friday off. I had to work late tonight and will have to do the same tomorrow night. I have lots of driving around to do tomorrow. I took some sleeping pills tonight in hopes to get some shut eye on time. I enjoyed my 4 day weekend way too much. I can't wait until the end of this month so i can go on vacation for Christmas!! Susie will be home and we can go wedding dress shopping...I love doing that. I think I'll become a wedding planner sometime in my life. I had a great time planning my wedding.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Long ago, in a galaxy far away...

Thanksgiving is over and I would say Chad and I had an eventful day. First we went to his grama's house to eat then, to my sister's. After that we went to the Otters game and saw some Turkey bowling between periods. I was so stuffed yesterday! Today I went to my sister's house, had some yummy food, and took a couple of her kids to the golf dome to hit some golf balls. Now I am at home finally finishing # VI of the Star Wars Trilogy and will be able to give it back to the twins.

I had a weird dream last night about my brother. About a month ago he had surgery on his stomach due to a bicycle accident. Last night I dreamt that he went into the hospital and no one knew why. I finally found out why he went to the hospital and it was to have more surgery done on his stomach because he was not fully healed or something like that. My father was laying on the couch and was not concerned my brother was in the hospital and that made me upset. He said he didn't care that my brother was in the hospital and stayed home. I have been dreaming just about every night lately. I go into these phases where I dream a lot then don't dream, or don't remember them.

Anyways, I think this weekend I want to decorate for Christmas and hopefully we will get a tree. The cats are declawed now so they won't be able to climb up like they usually do, but I am sure they will try and pine needles will still be all over the place. I think I want to start on some Christmas cards tonight.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Let it Snow

Here is a picture of Pam and me from Halloween. The snow has begun to fall in our corner of Pennsylvania and it came in with an attitude. It has been snowing all day and the roads have been slippery so I need to get snow tires on my car. Tomorrow I have the morning off and am going to take the postal test then tomorrow night we are going to grama's for her birthday dinner. I am glad tomorrow is Friday! I am supposed to drive to Girard tomorrow but that will be pending the weather and roads.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The bugs

I love my kitties! The first pic is of Jekyll hiding under our blankets to get away from the evil vacuum cleaner! The second is of Cyrus taking a relaxing vacation in my work-out clothing drawer after I left the bedroom.

This weekend was great as I had Friday off for Veteran's Day...Thank you to all of the military personnel for all of your hard work! The husband was out of town this weekend so, Moo Moo and Robert stayed with me Friday night. Saturday night we went to the Erie Philharmonic with the kids, and Moo Moo, Robert, and Breanna stayed over. We had fun raking all of the leaves in the backyard and Moo was a very big help. I hope that I am able to wake up for work tomorrow morning.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Whoo, it is very windy today. Well, the past week has been very busy for me and I still have lots of paperwork to do. Hopefully I get some finished tonight. Yesterday chad and I took Dezzy and Breanna to the grand re-opening of the Asbury Nature Center. It is very nice and I will certainly utilize that facility. Today, I need to clean and do laundry then we go to grama's for dinner and eat come chili. Not much going on around here. We are however going to see the Transiberian Ochestra this week with Mike and Kelly. That should be a good time. Oh yea, I need to vote this week too.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The fifth amendment...

Halloween is over. Yesterday I took my neices, nephew, and brother out Trick or Treating and they got lots of candy! Before we left, I took about 5 pictures with my new antique camera and my brother realized that the lens cap was still on. 2 weekends ago I went with my Mother in Law to an antique and found a cool older camera. I am thinking it is about 10 to 15 years old...the seller didn't know how old it was. It is pretty big. Anyways, it was a beautiful evening for Trick or Treating.

In other news. I was traveling through Edinboro with a couple of kids and 2 deer crossed the road...the very dirt road. So, I slowed down to 25 MPH and about a 1/2 a mile later, another deer comes running across the road from the passenger side and I slammed on the brakes. I hit the deer, it fell to the ground, and kind of slid under the car and at the same time I am screaming oh my God, oh my God! When I stopped, the deer got up and ran away and we sat in the car for a minute to digest what just happened. The children were frigntened, but were alright. This was the first time I had ever hit a deer. I didn't see any damage but I will look tomorrow morning in the light. I was going pretty slow so, I think that helped out. Tomorrow is a busy day at work.