Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The fifth amendment...

Halloween is over. Yesterday I took my neices, nephew, and brother out Trick or Treating and they got lots of candy! Before we left, I took about 5 pictures with my new antique camera and my brother realized that the lens cap was still on. 2 weekends ago I went with my Mother in Law to an antique and found a cool older camera. I am thinking it is about 10 to 15 years old...the seller didn't know how old it was. It is pretty big. Anyways, it was a beautiful evening for Trick or Treating.

In other news. I was traveling through Edinboro with a couple of kids and 2 deer crossed the road...the very dirt road. So, I slowed down to 25 MPH and about a 1/2 a mile later, another deer comes running across the road from the passenger side and I slammed on the brakes. I hit the deer, it fell to the ground, and kind of slid under the car and at the same time I am screaming oh my God, oh my God! When I stopped, the deer got up and ran away and we sat in the car for a minute to digest what just happened. The children were frigntened, but were alright. This was the first time I had ever hit a deer. I didn't see any damage but I will look tomorrow morning in the light. I was going pretty slow so, I think that helped out. Tomorrow is a busy day at work.

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