Friday, November 25, 2005

Long ago, in a galaxy far away...

Thanksgiving is over and I would say Chad and I had an eventful day. First we went to his grama's house to eat then, to my sister's. After that we went to the Otters game and saw some Turkey bowling between periods. I was so stuffed yesterday! Today I went to my sister's house, had some yummy food, and took a couple of her kids to the golf dome to hit some golf balls. Now I am at home finally finishing # VI of the Star Wars Trilogy and will be able to give it back to the twins.

I had a weird dream last night about my brother. About a month ago he had surgery on his stomach due to a bicycle accident. Last night I dreamt that he went into the hospital and no one knew why. I finally found out why he went to the hospital and it was to have more surgery done on his stomach because he was not fully healed or something like that. My father was laying on the couch and was not concerned my brother was in the hospital and that made me upset. He said he didn't care that my brother was in the hospital and stayed home. I have been dreaming just about every night lately. I go into these phases where I dream a lot then don't dream, or don't remember them.

Anyways, I think this weekend I want to decorate for Christmas and hopefully we will get a tree. The cats are declawed now so they won't be able to climb up like they usually do, but I am sure they will try and pine needles will still be all over the place. I think I want to start on some Christmas cards tonight.

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