Thursday, February 24, 2005

Headache, go away!!!!

This week has been the busiest week of my life! I have been non-stop driving from one end of the county to the other since Tuesday. I finally have a slow day tomorrow afternoon at the office, but I still have to type up a couple letters to sent to the Court House for Custody stuff and other miscellaneous office work. :blah: I have had a huge headache since about 3:30 today and off and on since the morning. I have too much crap on my mind especially keeping track of work stuff. Geez, it is bad enough I have myself to keep track of and to keep track of 9 clients and their families, takes a toll on my brain!! I can not wait until Friday!! I think I am going to have a glass of wine. Two ibuprofen are not helping at all. Maybe if I stop thinking, I will feel better. Where are my kitties when I need them?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Long day...

Today was a looong day to say the least. I went back to work after a 3 day weekend and it was non-stop. Afterwards I stopped at the store to pick up a few things and didn't get home until 7:00. Since there was no food made for dinner, I whipped up Tuna noodle stuff and had a salad. I finally sat down to watch Law and Order SVU and played on the computer. On one hand I want to go to sleep, on the other, I want tomorrow to come as slow as possible. I have so much to do at work and no time to do it all when most of my time is driving in a car. I hope I can get a new car soon!! Using grama's car is ok, but I would rather have one with at least an FM radio.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Wedding Plans

Today I visited Pam in her sickly state as she is getting over a bad cold type thing, and I hope I don't catch it. From there, I called a seamstress and made an appointment to get my wedding dress fitted for this Saturday. Things are starting to come together.

Until I am Princess for the Day!

Kittie Pics

Some random pics of my boys when they were just kittens.



Cyrus again

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Last night Mike, Kelly, Paul, Alex, Justin, Molly, Chad, and I went bowling and we had a girls -vs- boys. We played 4 games and let the boys win them all. It was close during the last game, but the boys ended up winning. It was fun and we definitely have to do it again. The next time, we won't be nice and will show those XY's what we are really made of!

Today was a slow moving day as it took me an hour to wake up this morning. About a half hour later, I made it to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee and started to perk up a little. Oh how I love to sleep in on Saturdays! Wow, this journal is boring. So now, I am sitting home watching the Green Mile, an excellent movie. I talked to Susie today and she will be home for the wedding but only for 4 days. Her boyfriend Carlos might come as well and we may get to meet him. Wow, there are only 2 more weeks until the Bridal Shower and 76 days until the Wedding! Things are starting to move quickly.

First Post

I am going to test my first post for my new blog. I felt like starting a blog because it seems that "everyone" has them nowadays. Also, I think it will be nice to have a place to gather my thoughts and vent a little about life. Hopefully this will be a good way for Susie to keep in touch with me during her time in Germany. Here is a test pic of my little babies! Jekyll and Cyrus.
