Saturday, February 19, 2005

Last night Mike, Kelly, Paul, Alex, Justin, Molly, Chad, and I went bowling and we had a girls -vs- boys. We played 4 games and let the boys win them all. It was close during the last game, but the boys ended up winning. It was fun and we definitely have to do it again. The next time, we won't be nice and will show those XY's what we are really made of!

Today was a slow moving day as it took me an hour to wake up this morning. About a half hour later, I made it to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee and started to perk up a little. Oh how I love to sleep in on Saturdays! Wow, this journal is boring. So now, I am sitting home watching the Green Mile, an excellent movie. I talked to Susie today and she will be home for the wedding but only for 4 days. Her boyfriend Carlos might come as well and we may get to meet him. Wow, there are only 2 more weeks until the Bridal Shower and 76 days until the Wedding! Things are starting to move quickly.

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