Thursday, February 24, 2005

Headache, go away!!!!

This week has been the busiest week of my life! I have been non-stop driving from one end of the county to the other since Tuesday. I finally have a slow day tomorrow afternoon at the office, but I still have to type up a couple letters to sent to the Court House for Custody stuff and other miscellaneous office work. :blah: I have had a huge headache since about 3:30 today and off and on since the morning. I have too much crap on my mind especially keeping track of work stuff. Geez, it is bad enough I have myself to keep track of and to keep track of 9 clients and their families, takes a toll on my brain!! I can not wait until Friday!! I think I am going to have a glass of wine. Two ibuprofen are not helping at all. Maybe if I stop thinking, I will feel better. Where are my kitties when I need them?

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