Thursday, December 29, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

I haven't felt like posting in a while because it has been so busy around here. Susie came home last Friday and is leaving to go back to SanAntonio tomorrow morning. Time sure did fly by and I need to make some phone calls. I had this whole week off and I am sure I will run into a crisis bright and early Monday morning. Christmas came and went and I got some good stuff. Happy new year!!

Monday, December 19, 2005


Wow, there is an award for the Best Driving Song on the radio music awards. Hmm, I would say for me would be Boyfriend by Ashlee Simpson. Yeah yeah I know she is a lipsinger, but that song is very catchy. Now Snoop is Santa Claus for the Pussy Cat Dolls. How about Maria Carey in her jean pants and boots. I thought celebrities were supposed to get dressed up for these awards.

Well, Susie comes home Friday night and I think we are going to meet her at the airport. This upcoming week should be fun. We have Monday and Tuesday off next week and on top of that, I took Wed, Thurs, and Friday off then we have the next Monday off for New Years. So, I will have an 11 day vacation using only 3 personal days!! Whoo hoo!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Everynight I have been dreaming about something and last night I dreamt that my cat Jekyll was urinating on the floor. Today when I took a nap, I dreamt that I gave Jekyll to some guy and his house was in bad shape. I'm not sure why I gave him my kitty but I missed Jekyll a lot and decided to steal him back. So, I went to the guys house to ask for my kitty back and he said no. When he wasn't looking, I grabbed Jekyll and quickly left his house. When I woke up, I was glad that Jekyll was laying right next to me. I have been a worry wort later and maybe those mixed with my emotions have been causing me to dream so vividly. I need to make some cookies for the work Christmas party. I think I will do that tomorrow.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Another Friday

Well, I tried to finish some work here at home tonight, but it wasn't happening. I need to finish some paperwork badly. Maybe tomorrow night or Sunday. The Fallout Boys are on Jay Leno tonight and they do not sound very good. They sound like a garage band. I like the song they have on the radio "Sugar we're going down swinging." Apparently they are some punk rock band so no wonder I don't like the song they played on the Tonight Snow.

Well, today I felt tired and took a nap from like 6:30 to 8:30. Now I am awake and there is nothing to watch on TV. I will have to read up on my book and some magazines and perhaps they will zonk me out. Tomorrow I am going Christmas shopping with Pam in the morning and hope to find some good deals.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Thursday night and I am watching my usual. Joey, Apprentice, and ER. I made some sloppy joes and green beans for dinner tonight and it was pretty good. I am tired and should be getting to bed but when I have been getting into bed all week, it takes a while to fall asleep. I hope I fall asleep tonight. Jekyll the cat is meowing away because I think he wants to go outside. Today was a crappy day at work and I was pretty mopey all day. I hope tommorrow goes better. I must say that I am really getting sick of that cheerioke commercial where all those people sing the jingle to the cheerios song. It is very over played. Anyways, not much going on but I hope to do some Christmas shopping this weekend. I am happy that I get the morning off tomorrow for some personal stuff to do.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My sister's twin

Everytime I watch ER I think that Neela(Parminder Nagra) looks just like my sister Susan. She seriously is her twin in this world. My sister is the one on the left in the picture and I am on the right and the top picture is the actress. I am tired and am probably going to fall asleep writing this. I still need to work on my book, get it illustrated, and try it out on my neices. I can't wait to see my hair long. I have not had long hair for a verry long time. It is growing and maybe by the spring it will be pretty long and by summer time, it will be where I want it. I have tomorrow off of work and can't wait until my 11 days off at the end of December!!! Adios! Oh yes, I still need to learn Spanish.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


I feel tired tonight while the last 2 nights it was hard to fall asleep, go figure. I keep yawning...Maybe my body thinks it is Friday already. I hope to wake up early tomorrow as I have been waking up late and having a hard time waking up these days. I can't wait to go on vacation the last week of December. I will be worry free and spending time with my family.

Whoo hoo, this Saturday we are going to Petsmart to get the kitty pictures with Santa Claus! I hope they turn out good. I am pretty sure Cyrus will be fine, but I am not too sure about Jekyll because he does not like to leave the house and gets mean when he is out. I hope he is able to adjust when we move into new house. 25 Days until Christmas!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

I found flickr to upload my photos

Originally uploaded by mon00707.
Here is my neice Breanna hamming it up for the camera while we took a walk in Asbury woods. She is so full of life. Today I was very tired because I took some sleeping pills last night, not going to do that unless absolutely necessary.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Monday woes

Wow, I am not ready for this week, I think I will take Friday off. I had to work late tonight and will have to do the same tomorrow night. I have lots of driving around to do tomorrow. I took some sleeping pills tonight in hopes to get some shut eye on time. I enjoyed my 4 day weekend way too much. I can't wait until the end of this month so i can go on vacation for Christmas!! Susie will be home and we can go wedding dress shopping...I love doing that. I think I'll become a wedding planner sometime in my life. I had a great time planning my wedding.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Long ago, in a galaxy far away...

Thanksgiving is over and I would say Chad and I had an eventful day. First we went to his grama's house to eat then, to my sister's. After that we went to the Otters game and saw some Turkey bowling between periods. I was so stuffed yesterday! Today I went to my sister's house, had some yummy food, and took a couple of her kids to the golf dome to hit some golf balls. Now I am at home finally finishing # VI of the Star Wars Trilogy and will be able to give it back to the twins.

I had a weird dream last night about my brother. About a month ago he had surgery on his stomach due to a bicycle accident. Last night I dreamt that he went into the hospital and no one knew why. I finally found out why he went to the hospital and it was to have more surgery done on his stomach because he was not fully healed or something like that. My father was laying on the couch and was not concerned my brother was in the hospital and that made me upset. He said he didn't care that my brother was in the hospital and stayed home. I have been dreaming just about every night lately. I go into these phases where I dream a lot then don't dream, or don't remember them.

Anyways, I think this weekend I want to decorate for Christmas and hopefully we will get a tree. The cats are declawed now so they won't be able to climb up like they usually do, but I am sure they will try and pine needles will still be all over the place. I think I want to start on some Christmas cards tonight.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Let it Snow

Here is a picture of Pam and me from Halloween. The snow has begun to fall in our corner of Pennsylvania and it came in with an attitude. It has been snowing all day and the roads have been slippery so I need to get snow tires on my car. Tomorrow I have the morning off and am going to take the postal test then tomorrow night we are going to grama's for her birthday dinner. I am glad tomorrow is Friday! I am supposed to drive to Girard tomorrow but that will be pending the weather and roads.

Monday, November 14, 2005

The bugs

I love my kitties! The first pic is of Jekyll hiding under our blankets to get away from the evil vacuum cleaner! The second is of Cyrus taking a relaxing vacation in my work-out clothing drawer after I left the bedroom.

This weekend was great as I had Friday off for Veteran's Day...Thank you to all of the military personnel for all of your hard work! The husband was out of town this weekend so, Moo Moo and Robert stayed with me Friday night. Saturday night we went to the Erie Philharmonic with the kids, and Moo Moo, Robert, and Breanna stayed over. We had fun raking all of the leaves in the backyard and Moo was a very big help. I hope that I am able to wake up for work tomorrow morning.

Sunday, November 06, 2005


Whoo, it is very windy today. Well, the past week has been very busy for me and I still have lots of paperwork to do. Hopefully I get some finished tonight. Yesterday chad and I took Dezzy and Breanna to the grand re-opening of the Asbury Nature Center. It is very nice and I will certainly utilize that facility. Today, I need to clean and do laundry then we go to grama's for dinner and eat come chili. Not much going on around here. We are however going to see the Transiberian Ochestra this week with Mike and Kelly. That should be a good time. Oh yea, I need to vote this week too.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The fifth amendment...

Halloween is over. Yesterday I took my neices, nephew, and brother out Trick or Treating and they got lots of candy! Before we left, I took about 5 pictures with my new antique camera and my brother realized that the lens cap was still on. 2 weekends ago I went with my Mother in Law to an antique and found a cool older camera. I am thinking it is about 10 to 15 years old...the seller didn't know how old it was. It is pretty big. Anyways, it was a beautiful evening for Trick or Treating.

In other news. I was traveling through Edinboro with a couple of kids and 2 deer crossed the road...the very dirt road. So, I slowed down to 25 MPH and about a 1/2 a mile later, another deer comes running across the road from the passenger side and I slammed on the brakes. I hit the deer, it fell to the ground, and kind of slid under the car and at the same time I am screaming oh my God, oh my God! When I stopped, the deer got up and ran away and we sat in the car for a minute to digest what just happened. The children were frigntened, but were alright. This was the first time I had ever hit a deer. I didn't see any damage but I will look tomorrow morning in the light. I was going pretty slow so, I think that helped out. Tomorrow is a busy day at work.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

It is almost Friday!!!

Today was a good day because I interviewed for a new position at work today and I got it. It was sort of easier because I was the only person who applied for the position. Go me! I think I will like it better and I will actually be doing Social Work. There are a lot of changes going on. Next year I will be eligible to have my Master's degree paid for if I stay with the Agency for as long as it takes me to finish school. OH my, Trump fired all four of those people in the boardroom, anything to boost his ratings.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dinner, chores, and television.

Tonight I went to dinner with the mother in law for Vo-tech's fall fest. The brother in law is in the culinary arts program and we were able to sample a buffet of food the students cooked. It was pretty good although I thought the pasta salad and pierogies were the best. I am watching Martha's apprentice and Jim is such an idiot! He is so getting fired tonight.

Ahhh, I have so much laundry to do and I hate folding laundry. Oh well, someone has to do it right. The husband is at his friends and the cats are being crazy. I think I will make some tea for myself. Tomorrow I have an interview for another position I applied for and I hope it goes well. I get really nervous and get tongue tied. I will think positively and be optimistic. I would really like the new position better. I am so behind with my work it is ridiculous and I don't want to work so much over time.

Friday, October 21, 2005

I am glad for the weekend!

Yay it is Friday! This week sure did fly by for me. I was able to work out 3 days this week and I am so happy!! Not sure what I am doing tonight but tomorrow morning will be spent with the mother in law at an antique show. I want to go to a haunted house with my sister and nieces tonight, but we will see how things go with that. I am on lunch right now and on my way to Meadville for some business so I will be back later.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I feel great

I feel great and full of energy. Today is the second day in a row I went to the gym did some tummy exercises and swam. Tomorrow I may go to the gym and do pilates after work. Maybe Thursday Pam and I will play some tennis. I am really trying to eat healthier too although today, I barely ate anything. Anyways, I am excited about Halloween! Once a year you can be anyone you want to be and I will be the same Martini glass I was last year. I am trying to decide on what color wig to wear. Last year I wore a blonde wig so, I may try a green or red wig. Not sure yet. I am leaning toward blonde again. It's not often that I get to be my true color.

Oooh, the movie Pride and Prejudice is coming out in November. I remember having to read that book in High School. I don't think that I read the whole book though, maybe I should borrow it from the library and read it. I need to read something. I am trying to have hobbies and occupy myself instead of doing nothing and just watching television. So, I have been crocheting while watching the television. It is very soothing. So far I can only do scarves. I will attempt to make an afghan soon. I need to figure out for who and what color. Hmmm, maybe I will make one for my mother for Christmas. She would really like that. I will do it with red and beige yarn. Or if they have some kind of multi red colors I could go with that.

No one has heard anything about that new position yet and I am getting antsy waiting for someone to get it. I hope I will know whether or not I get the position this week.

Monday, October 17, 2005

How to be a good house wife...

Today I had a training on how to engage father's to be involved with their children and their relationships with women. We were given this excerpt and it tickled my funny bone because it seems society has come a long way since the 50's. In a sense I sometimes think like this however, I don't always perform this way. This is totally grama's guide book. She actually accused herself of being a bad house wife because the freezer in the basement had some black stuff on the door.

The following is from a 1950's home economics textbook intended for high school girls, teaching them how to prepare for married life:

How to be a good housewife:

1. Have dinner ready: Plan ahead, even the night before, to have a delicious meal - on time. This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about him, and are concerned about his needs. Most men are hungry when they come home and the prospects of a good meal are part of the warm welcome needed.

2. Prepare yourself: Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be refreshed when he arrives. Touch up your makeup, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been with a lot of work-weary people. Be a little gay and a little more interesting. His boring day may need a lift.

3. Clear away the clutter. Make one last trip through the main part of the house just before your husband arrives, gathering up school books, toys, paper, etc. Then run a dust cloth over the tables. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order, and it will give you a lift, too.

4. Prepare the children: Take a few minutes to wash the children's hands and faces if they are small, comb their hair, and if necessary, change their clothes. They are little treasures and he would like to see them playing the part.

5. Minimize the noise: At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of washer, dryer, dishwasher or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet. Be happy to see him. Greet him with a warm smile and be glad to see him.

6. Some Don'ts: Don't greet him with problems or complaints. Don't complain if he's late for dinner. Count this as minor compared with what he might have gone through that day.

7. Make him comfortable: Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or suggest he lie down in the bedroom. Have a cool or warm drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to take off his shoes. Speak in a low, soft, soothing and pleasant voice. Allow him to relax and unwind.

8. Listen to him: You may have a dozen things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is not the time. Let him talk first.

9. Make the evening his: Never complain if he does not take you out to dinner or to other places of entertainment; instead, try to understand his world of strain and pressure, his need to be home and relax.

10. The goal: Try to make your home a place of peace and order where your husband can relax.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Anxiously awaiting...

I am anxiously awaiting for an answer about the new position I applied for. I had an interview a week ago and have not heard who got it yet, hopefully I do. In the meantime I am applying for another posted position just in case I don't get the other one.

Here is a list of stuff that I need to buy:

-Winter coat
-Winter clothes
Not much of a list, but it is a start. I missed the gym today but maybe tomorrow I will make it to tennis with Pam or go to Pilates.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Off to the gym I go.

It is getting cold out there now that it is October, oh how I love the changing of the weather. I have decided to utilize my membership to go to the gym on a regular basis and swim. I am hoping to build up my endurance and be able to swim non-stop for a long period of time and shape myself up. I am going to start eating healthier too...I should have been doing this already. I hope it works out for me and here's to ot a happier and healthier me!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Do I look like her?

I was at K-Mart today and the cashier told me that I looked like Phoebe Cates. I hadn't heard that in a while. Do we look alike? Maybe the hair looks like mine and the eye color. I am really tired tonight because I had a very long working day. I worked until 8:30 tonight.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Me sick!

Happy Birthday to me. I went to the Doctor's today and he told me that I have a sinus infection. I have never had one before so I guess there is a first for everything. I just feel so crappy. Now I have to take antibiotics for the next 10 days. I hope to feel better tomorrow so I can actually do some work at work and get to the Otter's game.

Today I am sitting here watching some soaps and Passions is so boring. I can't believe that I actually used to like this show, what was I thinking? Tonight Martha is on with her new Apprentice show and I am going to watch that.

Monday, September 26, 2005

The sniffles

I feel like crap today. I have caught a cold and I need to get rid of it, any takers? Well, the weekend was fun. Friday went out with Pam and Beth, had too much to drink and was not feeling well Saturday morning. At my age, you would think that I knew how to drink, but it seems I had forgotten. Rule 1, don't mix your alcohol, and Rule 2, don't eat just a salad before you go out, get some bread in your tummy to soak up the liquids. So I wake up Saturday feeling like a truck had run me over, and I felt the same way Sunday and Monday. I hope that I can fall asleep tonight and breathe out of at least one of my nostrils. My kitty has been a trooper all day with me though. He has been laying with me through this, what a good boy.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Cyrus the devil kitty

Happy Halloween Cyrus! Here is my brave kitty trying on his halloween costume, what a good little boy. Anyways, Not too much going on today except being lazy after working 11 hours. I am just so exhausted, maybe I need to take my vitamins more often. Well, another day at work tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Shoes, oh shoes where are you??

OMG, why are we watching the Office Chad? That is really the dumbest show I have ever seen, seriously. I don't know how that is on another season and how it was able to get good reviews. Anyways, I am tired and my back hurts alot today. Why is it that when I am out to find the perfect pair of shoes to wear with my dress clothes, it is impossible. I have been searching for the perfect shoes for a week and have had no luck. I found the perfect pair at Payless however, they were brown instead of black. I am looking for black pointy heels with a 1 inch heel to wear with my court clothes. It seems that they like to make shoes with 2-3 inch heels of which I can not wear due to my back problem. I already have 2 pair of 2 inch heel shoes and I can not wear them b/c I end up with a very sore back. So, I am still on the search for these shoes. I am starting to be a little less particular about the shoe style, but I still need a 1 inch heel. Here are the brown ones I like.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Weekend fun...

All I have to say is that I am exhausted. I had a very busy weekend that is for sure. Ok, Friday I went to hospital to see my brother because he needed surgery on his stomach. A bike handle bar went through his stomach Wednesday while he was riding it. After that, went to see gram b/c she had a cortisone shot done that day and needed a few things from the basement. Saturday, went to see a movie "Just Like Heaven" with the husband and it was soooo good! I recommend that movie if you are looking for a funny love story. Then, went to find shoes, and didn't. So, Pam and I were on our way to the Otters hockey game, paid 3 bucks to park, went into the arena and discovered that I did not bring my ticket stub. Ok, so we go back to her apartment and back to the hockey game. We saw Chris, the brother in law there and has some beers. After that, went home and did some laundry.

Sunday, woke up at 7:00am to be ready for Denny, Traci, and Nikki to be here by 8:30am to meet us. We were on our way to Allegheny Forest to do some rappelling. This was the first time I had gone and was verrrrry nervous as I am very afraid of heights. The first time I went down, I didn't like it. The second time was much better and the thrid, even better. After everyone had their turns, we headed to another cliff that was twice the size of the first one. I was not brave enough to rappel off of that one, so I watched. Maybe some day I will be brave enough.

Friday, September 16, 2005

I found this from Molly's journal

You Belong in Rome

You're a big city girl with a small town heart

Which is why you're attracted to the romance of Rome

Strolling down picture perfect streets, cappuccino in hand

And gorgeous Italian men - could life get any better?

What City Do You Belong in? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

This is totally me! I sure snagged my italian guy.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

I love this picture of my kitty.

Cyrus' first day in a new home.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Longing for something new

Hello blog. Today was a pretty good day as I spent alot of time getting paperwork done and was in a pretty good mood. I am going to apply for a new position within my workplace and if I don't get it, I will apply for another one until eventually, I get something new. I don't want to jinx myself by putting that on here, but I really don't care and don't think my writing it out will determine if I get it or not. Tomorrow will be a busy morning and the afternoon, not so busy. bye bye!

The dirty kitty.

Not too much going on and the weekend was pretty relaxing. This week is my supervisor's last week as she is moving on to another job. Now I wait to find out who my new supervisor will be until they hire someone else. Cyrus is such a funny kitty. Sunday morning/afternoon I woke up to see Cyrus sitting on the floor covered in blue powder coat. Apparently Chad left the basement door open and Cyrus must have gone down there during the night. There was also a spot on the carpet that was blue. I was laughing so hard and it was great. Needless to say, he got a well deserved shower that day.

Friday, September 09, 2005

New template

Not much to say other than that I decided to change my layout for my blog. Today I brought work home with me so I can get some of this crap done. I am going to do a little work Sunday at home if I get time. Tomorrow another day in court for the 4 day in a row, but I don't think it will be too bad. I will be super busy tomorrow. We won 50 bucks at the Nautilus b/c Chad was able to spin the wheel for referring Chris, I got to spin the wheel yay! I am hoping to have a nice weekend.

Thursday, September 08, 2005

I need sleep...

It is 12:15 and I am not too tired as I had taken an hour nap today, lazy me. I was just so tired today, all day!! So, I decided to blog to help me sleep better tonight. This morning I woke up at 6:15am to my kitty Cyrus barfing out his food on the floor. I am glad he actually made it on the floor instead of the pillow and clothes beside it. Anywho, this past weekend was a blast. I'm thinking my exhaustion has something to do with that.

Friday Pam and I drove to Cleveland to go to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Science Center. That place is very cool. I did not know that The Who made a movie called Tommy. It must have been very popular because the top 2 floors was all about it/them. We were also able to see clothes celebrities actually wore. I saw outfits from Christina Aguilera, Britney Spears, Tiffany, and others. They must be very tiny girls, I guess the camera really does add 10 pounds on people, geez.

Saturday, Chad, Kelly, Mike, and I woke up super early and arrived to Edinboro at 6:45am to catch a bus to Cedar Point. The tickets only cost us 15.00 a piece so it was definitely worth it. I haven't been there in about 2 years and it is amazing how quickly you forget what some rides are like. I remembered that I loved the Millenium Force roller coaster, but it blew my mind again as I rode it. I can't believe how fast that thing is! We tried the new ride called MaxAir and that was interesting. It felt like I was being thrown into the air then falling. That was very fun. So, we get home at like midnight and have a good night sleep to awaken at noon Sunday.

So, Sunday, Chad and I leave Erie about 5:00pm to visit with some friends in Uniontown. We arrive there at 8:00pm and have some food and drinks. We played games and hung out. Monday came and we headed home about 4:00 I think, stopped at another friends house, had dinner, looked at wedding pics, then headed home about 6:00 or so. We arrived home around 9:00pm and I was beat. The next day, was a work day and I was so wanting to call of, but I couldn't b/c I had court of course. Anyways, I am hoping to get a new job or at least a new position. I will keep hoping. Work is keeping me busy that's for sure. I need to get caught up though...ahhhh!

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Alright, it has been about 10 days and I suppose I ought to update here since I do have some time on my hands. Last weekend Chad and I went to the Erie Zoo with Mike and Kelly. It was nice to go to the zoo without kids and getting to actually enjoy it. Thanks for the tour Mike and Kelly!! This weekend what did I do? Friday went with Pam down to Sara's to get some ice cream then she came over and hung out. Saturday I did some shopping with my niece then rented The Notebook and Hackers and watched movies with the hubby. I finished watching the notebook this afternoon and boy were my eyes dripping like a faucet. That movie was such a good love story, when at first I didn't think it would be. For dinner we went over to grama Martini's and she made a wonderful roast beef dinner with all the fixins. Agh, back to work tomorrow.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Boring day

I need to take some days off of work...soon. Today I got my free pair of panties from Victoria's Secret, thanks for getting that coupon in the mail honey! Today I didn't do much. Just worked then came home and made some yummy pasta, yummy brownies for the picnic tomorrow, and did some laundry. I guess I will see what is on Leno.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Needed time off...

Work was pretty easy today as I finished some paperwork, made some phone calls, and sent some mail out so, I am in a pretty good mood. I took the afternoon off and decided to take some much needed personal time. I was able to run some errands and apply for some jobs, and hopefully I will find something good. I am still debating with myself as to whether or not I should go back to school for Nursing. I think I need some guidance because I am just too indecisive. Now I am going to the mall... Adios! I am back. Chad dropped me off at the mall and I walked back home. It was a pretty easy walk but it was weird as I rarely walk anywhere anymore because I have a car. Anyways, I got Moo's birthday gift and Heather and Ryan's wedding gift. I also looked for a new dress but found no luck with any. I guess I will have to wear one I already own. I hope for the next wedding I will be able to find a nice new dress. I am tired of the same old same old. Now I lay on the couch figuring out what I want for dinner. I will go fix something.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Another chapter has been opened...

It's been a while since my last posting huh. I have been stressed and not feeling like doing much of anything. Good thing that I get to go to the beach for work tomorrow after getting to the office early and finishing some things up. We are going to Marine Land this weekend and I am very excited to get away. Last weekend was Heather's bachelorette party and that was fun!! We danced the night away and bought her drinks all night. Just 9 more days until she gets married.

Monday, July 18, 2005

What the heck...

Oh the weekend. I didn't do anything spectacular this weekend b/c I felt like crap all weekend. I laid around the house Saturday and watched the tele most of the time. I did some laundry and cleaned a little bit, while the hubby cleaned out the garage. I made some food and baked some cookies and breadsticks. I do think that work has been stressing me out and I don't know how long I am going to make it. This afternoon was very horrible that I came home with such a splitting headache. I made some food, and watched some Las Vegas. I am going to go to bed soon and do this crap all over again. I need a fun job...

Saturday, July 16, 2005


I have been playing around with photoshop and here are some of my creations from our wedding photos.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

This perfect day...

Bend, and Snap! Oh how I love to watch Legally Blonde, it always puts me in a good mood. I have just been so stressed out from work lately and not feeling like doing much of anything. I have a pile of laundry waiting to be folded but yet, I am watching the tele. Well, Susan made it to Texas last week and I wonder if she got the rest of her furniture yet. Anyways, I have this song "Perfect Day" in my head by Hoku from the Legally Blonde movie. Uggg, I don't feel like going to work tomorrow. Ahh, I will have to live it up. Off to finish my laundry...

Monday, July 11, 2005

Here is my big ole kitty Cyrus in his newly found spot on top of our dresser. He looks so cute with his head draping over the side. I am so tired right now!! Today I worked two hours of overtime, came home, and left with Chad for the rest of the night running errands. I need sleep. I think there is something wrong with my sleep b/c I tend to wake up early like at 4:30 or 5:30 for no reason. I end up falling back asleep though and wake up at my normal time. I think it is from work and dealing with all this stress. I am thinking of going back to school for Nursing and hope to take a chemistry class this fall. We'll see how it goes.

Friday, July 08, 2005


Picture of the day:

Last night Chad decided to give the cats some cat nip. It doesn't seem to have an effect on Jekyll other than making him pass out on the floor. On the other hand, Cyrus was going crazy with the cat nip and rolling around in it.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I came home for lunch today to get out of that place for a little while. Today I will be in the office all day with the exception of the hearing this morning. The weekend was a good and happy one. Saturday Dave and Cara, friends from Union town stayed over and we went to the Hibachi. Sunday morning Chad, Chris, Dave, and Cara went to the mall to autocross their cars. They got threre around 8:30am and Pam and I decided to get there around 10:00 to watch. It was fun to see them race and during the second half, I rode as a passenger with everybody. So did Denny. We might go again in 2 weeks. After that, Chad and I headed over to a couple of his family picnics then came home and crashed. Monday I pretty much slept the day away as I just wanted to stay in bed all day. So, around 3:30, we went to see Batman Begins which is a very good movie. I just don't understand why there is going to be another Batman series when it seems the movies were out 5 years ago or so. Are they trying to compete with Spider man?? We also saw War of the Worlds Saturday night and that was pretty good too. Well, back to work and the real world.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

"Since you been gone"

I had a very long day working day as I had to drive to Pittsburgh and didn't get back until 6:40pm. Afterwards, I went to find some shoes and, no luck so I bought a new wallet...which I needed anyways. I came home around 8:00 and was pretty tired. I have been watching the tele, and playing videos on the internet. I saw that new one from Jessica Simpson, "These boots were made for walking", she should just walk right out of the music business b/c she can not sing. The presentation in the video is the only thing that makes these untalented women POPular. The video is nothing but a striptease, but hey, sex sells right? Tomorrow is finally Friday and I hope it goes better than the past few days have. I really need to get some paperwork done. Kelly Clarkson rocks! I just got finished watching the music video "behind these hazel eyes" and it was very interesting and when she sang "since you been gone" live on MTV, that was awesome too.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Is it Friday Yet!!!

Is it Friday yet?? I just don't feel like going into work anymore this week, I have had enough these past 2 days. Chad and I went to Cook Forest this past weekend to get away and it was nice. We went canoeing, horseback riding, and did a little hiking. We slept in our little 2 man tent and the second day bought an air mattess b/c we were tired of sleeping on the hard ground. We came home and I had to work Monday. This weekend we have picnics to go to, but all I want to do is stay home and sleep the weekend away or stay home and do nothing. I'm so tired so I am going to lay down on the couch. good night!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Colin Powell

I am so tired, but I thought I would post anyways. Tonight, former Secretary of State General (Ret) Colin Powell was the keynote speaker at the Manufacturers' Association of Northwest Pennsylvania 100th anniversary celebration. Chad, Kelly, and I decided to be a part of the catering group and serve the food to the consumers. It was an experience I won't forget. I was able to experience first hand what it takes to work as a banquet worker. I wouldn't do it again, but it was a good experience to walk in someone else's shoes. I was glad to be able to enjoy some of the fringe benefits such as eating the food, and watching Colin Powell speak and see him in person. I have been so busy at work lately that I am going nut and it is hard to get my paperwork done anymore. It seems that is the majority of my job and I am constantly on the road. Not to mention I have to go to Clarion friday for training. GEez!! why it is not in a closer location is beyond me.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


I just don't feel like doing much of anything this week. I finally cleaned the kitchen today then messed it up again by cooking dinner. I still have a basket of towels to fold and my desk still needs organized. Not to mention the millions of things I have to do at work in which I will be putting in many hours of overtime tomorrow after regular hours. Saturday is Kris' wedding and I haven't found a dress to wear so I will have to wear something I already have that I really don't want to. This weekend is going to be so busy and I am not looking forward to having to go back to work Monday. In other news, Chad and I just came from Pam's apartment to see her furniture and it is very nice!!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Life is but a dream...

It has been a while since my last post. It has been quite busy around here since the wedding. In the last couple weeks, the living room window decided to fall on my finger; hence causing me excrutiating pain for a couple days, I bought a new car: 2001 Honda Civic EX (I so desperately needed/deserved), and went down to Pittsburgh with some co-workers to have a night on the town with Kris and her friends for her bachelorette party. The strippers were very, ahhh, touchy feely, to say the least. It was a blast!!! Back to work today and thankfully we have the day off tomorrow for Flag Day. Yay!! I really need to file my paperwork here at home but all I want to do when I get here is relax and watch tv. I need to motivate myself. Maybe after this post I will. We really need to work on the Thank You cards.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

I'm a Martini

It's official. I am now Monica Martini. Chad and I were married May 6, 2005 and the wedding was more than I had hoped for. Everything was beautiful, perfect, and just what I wanted and more. The flowers were late, but they were perfect so I forgot about it. I wish we would have gone on a Honeymoon right away though, b/c I was so tired that weekend as well as Monday and Tuesday. I am feeling better now, but am hoping we go on a cruise in August and get massages. By that time I will have 9 vacation days and 4 personal days to choose from, and not to mention the Comp days I will be accumulating.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

No more work.

Whoo HOo!!!! Alex is fired and there is still hope for Tana to become the Apprentice!! She is smart, witty, and a good leader. I hope she wins in the end.
YAY!!!! I don't go back to work until next Monday and I am so excited to finally be getting married in a week!! It's about time. Everything has come along so perfectly and the Day is going to be so perfect!!!! I hope everyone has a good time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

T.V. night

Just finished watching The Bachelor. Why oh why did he keep the evil Sarah W and send away Kimberly???? Maybe the ex-Boyfriend told him about "Kim Wild." Sarah W. is a skank and that may be why he kept her b/c he knows that soon he will be getting more than a kiss...hehe. Anyways, I really think that he is going to choose Sarah B. in the end. She and him seem to have good chemistry and she is the nicest and most down to earth one of them all, kinda like him. The thing I don't really like about Charlie is his deep voice. He sounds like he has had too many cigarettes in his lifetime. Now, I am watching my new weekly show, Grey's Anatomy...I love DVR!!! And tonight, Law and Order SVU is on but I might watch Judging Amy if it is repeat. I really should be working out right now, but I am not in the mood. I am definitely going to Pilates on Thursday though. Ooh, I am going to have a glass of wine later.

Friday, April 22, 2005

The weekend!

Yay! It's Friday! Today was mine and Kris' combined bridal shower at work thrown by my supervisor and co-worker. It was fun and we received a lot of nice things. Today Chad reserved a limo ride to the reception so we don't have to worry about transportation, yay!! Tonight he left to go to Union Town to finish up some business with his buddy to finish his website. Don't stay away for too long Chad. So, tonight I have Moo and Dezzy helping me out with some stuff around the house along with wedding stuff.
20/20 had a segment on that talked about the misconception about sugar. It does not make you or your children hyper!! It is only a myth that has been around for generations as an excuse for kids being excited.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sundays Rock!

Sundays are the best! I wish I could wake up when my body gets up instead of to the alarm clock. Whew, today was quite busy as I cleaned up the kitchen, worked on some laundry, ran some errands with grama, did pilates with Pam, cooked dinner, worked on some more laundry, and watched the tele. The Contender is on and tonight's match was a good one and Joey kicked Jimmy's butt. I am starting to work out more and today starts of the week with doing Pilates for a half hour. Tomorrow I will hit the gym after my dentist appt. I am going to be buff for this summer!!!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Wow, I got a lot of spring cleaning done today and am so happy. I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom which included mopping the floors on my hands and knees. Not too much going on today other than Chris came home and later Chad and I are going to the Red Fox Inn to see our future DJ in action. I am very hungry so dinner is cooking on the stove right now and I will have to stir it. Jekyll is such a clean cat. I wish Cyrus was as clean.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Kitty pics!

Since Mother Nature decided to send a Snow Storm Erie's way, I stayed indoors, relaxed a bit, and watched the power flickering about while taking snapshots of my favorite boys. Oh how I love my kitties!

Cyrus sleeping under the bed covers...He must be cold with all that fur right??

Cyrus again sporting his new pink scarf.

And Jekyll ready to defend anyone who tries to take our mail.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Lower your fats

I knew better than to think that Chad would agree on me getting a new car, but I did hope. Looks like I will driving the grama mobile for a while. I think I am going to buy another portable radio that will actually work when I am in the car, perhaps one with an antenna. Anyways, I received a call from my doctor's office today and they uttered some pretty concerning news. About 3 weeks ago I had a physical and had my cholesterol checked. Well, it turns out that my cholesterol is 245 and the desirable level is 200. That means no more fast food, I am going to have to eat less fats, especially animal fats, less cholesterol and exercise more often. I may as well use my nautilus membership anyways right?? That is just a real downer at this age in my life so starting now, is a new, healthier me. Hmm, i keep trying to post a link, but it is not working.

Thursday, March 31, 2005

I need a car!

Wow, today was very busy for me to say the least. I drove around the county all day for work, but it was worth it. Tomorrow, I will be on the road the whole day as well and probably not set foot in the office and work a little over time. I really need a new car b/c grama's car is in need of repairs and I am sure it is not going to stop! Chad and I went to the Honda dealership today and looked at a Honda Civic Hybrid which gets 47/48 MPG. It will probably take a while to find a used one b/c they are very sparse around here and Chad likes to take his time.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Saturday night Chad and I went to check out the tuxedo and it looked very good on him. All the guys are going to look sharp for the wedding. Then we went over Beth and Jeff's to watch the Bourne Identity and the Bourne Supremecy and Matt Damon is so hot!! Dam Chad, keep working out and you could be the next Bourne...hehehehehe... Oh my gosh!! Chad and I decided to to watch the new show called the Office and it sucks! This show is the dumbest show I have ever seen...not to mention boring and not funny at all. Apparently critics are raving about this new comedy. Have they actually watched the show, because it sucks!! What were the critics thinking? Oh right, critics suck. Who hoo! Now that we have cable, I can watch Sex in the City and am so excited, yay!

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Lovin the weekend.

Yay! I had yesterday off for Good Friday so Chad and I went to the Peek to taste the food for the Reception. I had stuffed Chicken, scalloped potatoes, and juliene veggies and it was delicious!!! I especially liked the potatoes. After that, I went out to finalize my flowers and the lady forgot we had an appointment. Luckily she was only going to be gone for 20 minutes so the person that was there helped me pick out ribbon until the other lady came. All in all, it was good and I was able to finalize everything. She is even going to decorate the gazebo for us too...For $100.00. Oh well, something that I won't have to do right? So, the total for the flower lady all together: $625.00. aye carumba! Now today I am going to take my wonderful Mother in Law to the mall so she can pick out some shoes for the Wedding. That will be sooo exciting.hehe...

Thursday, March 24, 2005


I am getting so mad at my printer right now that I could throw it. The darn thing only wants to print what it wants and not what I want. Does it not like cardstock?

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Wow, today we were able to get some wedding related stuff started. This morning Chad and I went to the Courthouse and applied for our marriage license. We can pick it up on Monday. On I found a cute idea to use for place cards at the reception. Instead of using the normal cards, we are going to make place cards that look like little chairs and have a sign to say "take your seat." I love it!! I will post pics once we finish one. In other news, Jekyll has been quite the active kitty these past couple days. Chad and I have been playing fetch with him and he loves it! He is such a cool cat. He loves a challenge and is especially excited when he has to search for the rolled up paper behind the TV or other confined area.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

It is almost Easter and here is a little Easter message:

Things were slow at work this morning but certainly picked up this afternoon. I just made some chocolate chip cookies and they are yuuuuummmmmyyyy!! I have been wanting to make them for a while now. Tomorrow Chad and I are going to the Court House to apply for our marriage certificate. That should be fun!!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

What's wrong with this blog?

I am still trying to figure out why my profile is at the bottom of this darn page. How do I get it to the top? Well, Crossing Jordan is on right now and it is an ok one. I really don't care to see the ones about Jordan's dad, oh well. I am glad that I have a slow morning at work least I think. I am thinking tomorrow I want to go to Tim Horton's for coffee in the morning if I don't have time to make it myself b/c they have good coffee. I get a medium size "triple triple."

Thursday, March 17, 2005

It is St. Patrick's Day and I still have not had green beer...Maybe next year. Anyways, I have been so stressed this week and not sure why. I've had kind of a short fuse the last 3 days and I think work, wedding, grama, and trying to get stuff done is just getting to me. I just dont have enough time for everything and just dont feel like doing anything when I get out of work b/c I am drained from other people's problems. For the last 3 days I have gone to the store for grama and that adds stress to me. I did however get to the gym today, took a Pilates class, and went tanning afterwards. Ahhh, it was so relaxing!! I think my problem is that I worry about everything too much and I am always thinking about something, whether it be work or my personal life. Off to the shower I go.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Getting stuff done.

Wow, do I have a boring blog. Well, today we had our bowling tournament for work and it was fun. I should start bowling more. Yesterday went to hockey game with pam, beth, and danielle...Otters lost. Today Chad and I sent the wedding invites out!!! Now we will wait and see... Making dinner now and going to clean the house tonight and get those Thank You Cards out now. Busy, busy!!

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Yay, it's Thursday

Yay, it's Thursday night and my shows are on. Can't wait to see the Apprentice. I am so not looking forward to tomorrow's court hearing. I just don't like private attorneys and my client tells her attorney EVERYTHING and I just don't want him to turn things around on me. We have a good lawyer though and I hope it goes quick b/c I get so nervous at those things. The judge looks mean too, and we all have to stand right in front of him when we testify...Nerve wrecking. I am just making my self more nervous, so I better start thinking positively and going over and over the summary, I know this case. Hopefully I can get some sleep tonight considering this darn cold has been keeping me up at night. Chad, please hurry up with the pizza, I am starving!!!!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

March is coming along

Saturday I went to have my first dress fitting and go back in March for the 2nd fitting! Lou, Adriausha, and I made the favors for the Shower and now, we wait until Sunday. Heidi seems to have everything under control. I am not feeling very well with this cold/congestion. I need to take some medicine to get rid of this headache. Well, let's see, Friday I have to go to a court hearing for work and hoping it goes well. It should, but I just worry too much. Let's see, this will be my 3rd dispositional, 3 different judges. We need to get working on these invitations.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Headache, go away!!!!

This week has been the busiest week of my life! I have been non-stop driving from one end of the county to the other since Tuesday. I finally have a slow day tomorrow afternoon at the office, but I still have to type up a couple letters to sent to the Court House for Custody stuff and other miscellaneous office work. :blah: I have had a huge headache since about 3:30 today and off and on since the morning. I have too much crap on my mind especially keeping track of work stuff. Geez, it is bad enough I have myself to keep track of and to keep track of 9 clients and their families, takes a toll on my brain!! I can not wait until Friday!! I think I am going to have a glass of wine. Two ibuprofen are not helping at all. Maybe if I stop thinking, I will feel better. Where are my kitties when I need them?

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Long day...

Today was a looong day to say the least. I went back to work after a 3 day weekend and it was non-stop. Afterwards I stopped at the store to pick up a few things and didn't get home until 7:00. Since there was no food made for dinner, I whipped up Tuna noodle stuff and had a salad. I finally sat down to watch Law and Order SVU and played on the computer. On one hand I want to go to sleep, on the other, I want tomorrow to come as slow as possible. I have so much to do at work and no time to do it all when most of my time is driving in a car. I hope I can get a new car soon!! Using grama's car is ok, but I would rather have one with at least an FM radio.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Wedding Plans

Today I visited Pam in her sickly state as she is getting over a bad cold type thing, and I hope I don't catch it. From there, I called a seamstress and made an appointment to get my wedding dress fitted for this Saturday. Things are starting to come together.

Until I am Princess for the Day!

Kittie Pics

Some random pics of my boys when they were just kittens.



Cyrus again

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Last night Mike, Kelly, Paul, Alex, Justin, Molly, Chad, and I went bowling and we had a girls -vs- boys. We played 4 games and let the boys win them all. It was close during the last game, but the boys ended up winning. It was fun and we definitely have to do it again. The next time, we won't be nice and will show those XY's what we are really made of!

Today was a slow moving day as it took me an hour to wake up this morning. About a half hour later, I made it to the kitchen to brew a pot of coffee and started to perk up a little. Oh how I love to sleep in on Saturdays! Wow, this journal is boring. So now, I am sitting home watching the Green Mile, an excellent movie. I talked to Susie today and she will be home for the wedding but only for 4 days. Her boyfriend Carlos might come as well and we may get to meet him. Wow, there are only 2 more weeks until the Bridal Shower and 76 days until the Wedding! Things are starting to move quickly.

First Post

I am going to test my first post for my new blog. I felt like starting a blog because it seems that "everyone" has them nowadays. Also, I think it will be nice to have a place to gather my thoughts and vent a little about life. Hopefully this will be a good way for Susie to keep in touch with me during her time in Germany. Here is a test pic of my little babies! Jekyll and Cyrus.
