Sunday, December 11, 2005


Everynight I have been dreaming about something and last night I dreamt that my cat Jekyll was urinating on the floor. Today when I took a nap, I dreamt that I gave Jekyll to some guy and his house was in bad shape. I'm not sure why I gave him my kitty but I missed Jekyll a lot and decided to steal him back. So, I went to the guys house to ask for my kitty back and he said no. When he wasn't looking, I grabbed Jekyll and quickly left his house. When I woke up, I was glad that Jekyll was laying right next to me. I have been a worry wort later and maybe those mixed with my emotions have been causing me to dream so vividly. I need to make some cookies for the work Christmas party. I think I will do that tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I see Mr. Kanavy was in your wedding that's cool man. He used to work for me over at Stargate and I dated his cousin Steph Konzel for awhile. Anyways, Thank you for the secret santa gift I just got it today. I had never heard of the band that you got I just added it per recommendation of amazon and it's really good. THANKS! :)
