Thursday, December 29, 2005

Merry Christmas!!!

I haven't felt like posting in a while because it has been so busy around here. Susie came home last Friday and is leaving to go back to SanAntonio tomorrow morning. Time sure did fly by and I need to make some phone calls. I had this whole week off and I am sure I will run into a crisis bright and early Monday morning. Christmas came and went and I got some good stuff. Happy new year!!

Monday, December 19, 2005


Wow, there is an award for the Best Driving Song on the radio music awards. Hmm, I would say for me would be Boyfriend by Ashlee Simpson. Yeah yeah I know she is a lipsinger, but that song is very catchy. Now Snoop is Santa Claus for the Pussy Cat Dolls. How about Maria Carey in her jean pants and boots. I thought celebrities were supposed to get dressed up for these awards.

Well, Susie comes home Friday night and I think we are going to meet her at the airport. This upcoming week should be fun. We have Monday and Tuesday off next week and on top of that, I took Wed, Thurs, and Friday off then we have the next Monday off for New Years. So, I will have an 11 day vacation using only 3 personal days!! Whoo hoo!!!

Sunday, December 11, 2005


Everynight I have been dreaming about something and last night I dreamt that my cat Jekyll was urinating on the floor. Today when I took a nap, I dreamt that I gave Jekyll to some guy and his house was in bad shape. I'm not sure why I gave him my kitty but I missed Jekyll a lot and decided to steal him back. So, I went to the guys house to ask for my kitty back and he said no. When he wasn't looking, I grabbed Jekyll and quickly left his house. When I woke up, I was glad that Jekyll was laying right next to me. I have been a worry wort later and maybe those mixed with my emotions have been causing me to dream so vividly. I need to make some cookies for the work Christmas party. I think I will do that tomorrow.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Another Friday

Well, I tried to finish some work here at home tonight, but it wasn't happening. I need to finish some paperwork badly. Maybe tomorrow night or Sunday. The Fallout Boys are on Jay Leno tonight and they do not sound very good. They sound like a garage band. I like the song they have on the radio "Sugar we're going down swinging." Apparently they are some punk rock band so no wonder I don't like the song they played on the Tonight Snow.

Well, today I felt tired and took a nap from like 6:30 to 8:30. Now I am awake and there is nothing to watch on TV. I will have to read up on my book and some magazines and perhaps they will zonk me out. Tomorrow I am going Christmas shopping with Pam in the morning and hope to find some good deals.

Thursday, December 08, 2005


Thursday night and I am watching my usual. Joey, Apprentice, and ER. I made some sloppy joes and green beans for dinner tonight and it was pretty good. I am tired and should be getting to bed but when I have been getting into bed all week, it takes a while to fall asleep. I hope I fall asleep tonight. Jekyll the cat is meowing away because I think he wants to go outside. Today was a crappy day at work and I was pretty mopey all day. I hope tommorrow goes better. I must say that I am really getting sick of that cheerioke commercial where all those people sing the jingle to the cheerios song. It is very over played. Anyways, not much going on but I hope to do some Christmas shopping this weekend. I am happy that I get the morning off tomorrow for some personal stuff to do.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

My sister's twin

Everytime I watch ER I think that Neela(Parminder Nagra) looks just like my sister Susan. She seriously is her twin in this world. My sister is the one on the left in the picture and I am on the right and the top picture is the actress. I am tired and am probably going to fall asleep writing this. I still need to work on my book, get it illustrated, and try it out on my neices. I can't wait to see my hair long. I have not had long hair for a verry long time. It is growing and maybe by the spring it will be pretty long and by summer time, it will be where I want it. I have tomorrow off of work and can't wait until my 11 days off at the end of December!!! Adios! Oh yes, I still need to learn Spanish.