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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Adjustment period

I haven't updated in a while. We have been busy moving the past few weeks. We moved in with my father in law and I hope we don't stay here long. I miss my kitties...He made my kitties move out b/c he couldn't handle their hair etc. Well, you can't confine cats, you just cant. So, my sister allowed them to stay at her house until we find a place of our own. Jekyll seems mad b/c he hisses at everything and Cyrus is getting quite at home. He is very laid back. I worry about Jekyll b/c he hates change alot. I will visit them every day for as long as I can and hope they adjust well. It is certainly taking a toll on me but I keep thinking that this is not permanent and that I will have my buddies back soon. Have you ever wondered if you really made the right decisions in life? I can't wait until Zoe is here so I can focus on her and know that we need to focus on our future.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you guys need to go get your own house or something. Why is it you moved in with your father in law if it was going to make you sad? I am not sure I follow you with the hair, animals have hair, he must have known that before you moved in. Sounds fishy to me.

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