Monday, February 27, 2006

It's monday already...

Monday and I did not feel like working overtime at all so, I left at 5:00 and sucked it up. If I don't get my work done, then I don't. Anyways, I went to the Doctor for a checkup this morning and Chad came with. I have only gained 0.5 pounds since being pregnant. I am feeling hungrier than usual lately so maybe I will gain some more by my next appt. My boss says I'm gonna have a big baby. I'll wait and see. Work sucked and all I wanted to do was go home and I only worked a half day. I am thinking of going into work early tomorrow to finish something up. We'll see if I get there.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Today I received the 2 pair of maternity pants I won from Ebay this weekend. That was fast shipping. I really don't feel like cooking tonight Chad. Please don't make me, I can not make macaroni and cheese with tuna fish, I just can't. You are on your own.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


Boy have I been dragging this week at work. I get up in the morning and can hardly keep my eyes open. I have as much sleep as usual but I think I need a break from work. Next week I think I am going to take a day off, hopefully Monday or Friday. Not much going on today, pretty boring. Maybe tomorrow I will hang out with Pam after work. Maybe do some people watching downtown.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Go USA! Sasha Cohen's Olympic performance tonight was awesome, you go girl! First place for you.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

I need to relax...

Oh, I am so happy the weekend is finally here! Last night my back hurt and all I wanted to do is lay down. Today is a day of relaxing besides shivering in the freezing cold. Other than that, I need to do some shopping and take the kids home. Later, Chad and I are going to finish up some work. I still have to watch Wedding Crashers and finish my uncles taxes. Oh, and I have Monday off for President's Day!! I really need it, yay for a long weekend.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Will these sinus headaches ever go away oh and the back pain. For the past 2 days I have driven long distances and is killing my back. On a good note, I bought some new clothes today from Kohl's. They are having their clearance sale and I bought tops for $3.50 a piece!

Monday, February 13, 2006

Oh Baby!

I am 14 weeks 3 days pregnant and today was the first time we were able to see our little baby through an ultrasound. She was so active and kept moving around while the lady was trying to take some pictures. It is too early to tell the sex, but we were excited to see a healthy active person growing. It was so awesome and the most amazing feeling to see that there is really someone in my belly moving. (I think it will be a girl but, we'll wait and see.)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

mon and chad

mon and chad
Originally uploaded by mon00707.
I felt the baby shift this morning. I woke up on my back and turned to the side and could feel the baby move over. Then, I turned on my back and felt it shift again. Pretty neat feeling. Anyways, I am trying to teach myself photoshop and here is something I did last night.