Thursday, December 08, 2005


Thursday night and I am watching my usual. Joey, Apprentice, and ER. I made some sloppy joes and green beans for dinner tonight and it was pretty good. I am tired and should be getting to bed but when I have been getting into bed all week, it takes a while to fall asleep. I hope I fall asleep tonight. Jekyll the cat is meowing away because I think he wants to go outside. Today was a crappy day at work and I was pretty mopey all day. I hope tommorrow goes better. I must say that I am really getting sick of that cheerioke commercial where all those people sing the jingle to the cheerios song. It is very over played. Anyways, not much going on but I hope to do some Christmas shopping this weekend. I am happy that I get the morning off tomorrow for some personal stuff to do.

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