Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I feel great

I feel great and full of energy. Today is the second day in a row I went to the gym did some tummy exercises and swam. Tomorrow I may go to the gym and do pilates after work. Maybe Thursday Pam and I will play some tennis. I am really trying to eat healthier too although today, I barely ate anything. Anyways, I am excited about Halloween! Once a year you can be anyone you want to be and I will be the same Martini glass I was last year. I am trying to decide on what color wig to wear. Last year I wore a blonde wig so, I may try a green or red wig. Not sure yet. I am leaning toward blonde again. It's not often that I get to be my true color.

Oooh, the movie Pride and Prejudice is coming out in November. I remember having to read that book in High School. I don't think that I read the whole book though, maybe I should borrow it from the library and read it. I need to read something. I am trying to have hobbies and occupy myself instead of doing nothing and just watching television. So, I have been crocheting while watching the television. It is very soothing. So far I can only do scarves. I will attempt to make an afghan soon. I need to figure out for who and what color. Hmmm, maybe I will make one for my mother for Christmas. She would really like that. I will do it with red and beige yarn. Or if they have some kind of multi red colors I could go with that.

No one has heard anything about that new position yet and I am getting antsy waiting for someone to get it. I hope I will know whether or not I get the position this week.

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