Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Dinner, chores, and television.

Tonight I went to dinner with the mother in law for Vo-tech's fall fest. The brother in law is in the culinary arts program and we were able to sample a buffet of food the students cooked. It was pretty good although I thought the pasta salad and pierogies were the best. I am watching Martha's apprentice and Jim is such an idiot! He is so getting fired tonight.

Ahhh, I have so much laundry to do and I hate folding laundry. Oh well, someone has to do it right. The husband is at his friends and the cats are being crazy. I think I will make some tea for myself. Tomorrow I have an interview for another position I applied for and I hope it goes well. I get really nervous and get tongue tied. I will think positively and be optimistic. I would really like the new position better. I am so behind with my work it is ridiculous and I don't want to work so much over time.

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