Sunday, August 28, 2005


Alright, it has been about 10 days and I suppose I ought to update here since I do have some time on my hands. Last weekend Chad and I went to the Erie Zoo with Mike and Kelly. It was nice to go to the zoo without kids and getting to actually enjoy it. Thanks for the tour Mike and Kelly!! This weekend what did I do? Friday went with Pam down to Sara's to get some ice cream then she came over and hung out. Saturday I did some shopping with my niece then rented The Notebook and Hackers and watched movies with the hubby. I finished watching the notebook this afternoon and boy were my eyes dripping like a faucet. That movie was such a good love story, when at first I didn't think it would be. For dinner we went over to grama Martini's and she made a wonderful roast beef dinner with all the fixins. Agh, back to work tomorrow.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Boring day

I need to take some days off of work...soon. Today I got my free pair of panties from Victoria's Secret, thanks for getting that coupon in the mail honey! Today I didn't do much. Just worked then came home and made some yummy pasta, yummy brownies for the picnic tomorrow, and did some laundry. I guess I will see what is on Leno.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Needed time off...

Work was pretty easy today as I finished some paperwork, made some phone calls, and sent some mail out so, I am in a pretty good mood. I took the afternoon off and decided to take some much needed personal time. I was able to run some errands and apply for some jobs, and hopefully I will find something good. I am still debating with myself as to whether or not I should go back to school for Nursing. I think I need some guidance because I am just too indecisive. Now I am going to the mall... Adios! I am back. Chad dropped me off at the mall and I walked back home. It was a pretty easy walk but it was weird as I rarely walk anywhere anymore because I have a car. Anyways, I got Moo's birthday gift and Heather and Ryan's wedding gift. I also looked for a new dress but found no luck with any. I guess I will have to wear one I already own. I hope for the next wedding I will be able to find a nice new dress. I am tired of the same old same old. Now I lay on the couch figuring out what I want for dinner. I will go fix something.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Another chapter has been opened...

It's been a while since my last posting huh. I have been stressed and not feeling like doing much of anything. Good thing that I get to go to the beach for work tomorrow after getting to the office early and finishing some things up. We are going to Marine Land this weekend and I am very excited to get away. Last weekend was Heather's bachelorette party and that was fun!! We danced the night away and bought her drinks all night. Just 9 more days until she gets married.