Wednesday, July 06, 2005

I came home for lunch today to get out of that place for a little while. Today I will be in the office all day with the exception of the hearing this morning. The weekend was a good and happy one. Saturday Dave and Cara, friends from Union town stayed over and we went to the Hibachi. Sunday morning Chad, Chris, Dave, and Cara went to the mall to autocross their cars. They got threre around 8:30am and Pam and I decided to get there around 10:00 to watch. It was fun to see them race and during the second half, I rode as a passenger with everybody. So did Denny. We might go again in 2 weeks. After that, Chad and I headed over to a couple of his family picnics then came home and crashed. Monday I pretty much slept the day away as I just wanted to stay in bed all day. So, around 3:30, we went to see Batman Begins which is a very good movie. I just don't understand why there is going to be another Batman series when it seems the movies were out 5 years ago or so. Are they trying to compete with Spider man?? We also saw War of the Worlds Saturday night and that was pretty good too. Well, back to work and the real world.

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