Friday, April 01, 2005

Lower your fats

I knew better than to think that Chad would agree on me getting a new car, but I did hope. Looks like I will driving the grama mobile for a while. I think I am going to buy another portable radio that will actually work when I am in the car, perhaps one with an antenna. Anyways, I received a call from my doctor's office today and they uttered some pretty concerning news. About 3 weeks ago I had a physical and had my cholesterol checked. Well, it turns out that my cholesterol is 245 and the desirable level is 200. That means no more fast food, I am going to have to eat less fats, especially animal fats, less cholesterol and exercise more often. I may as well use my nautilus membership anyways right?? That is just a real downer at this age in my life so starting now, is a new, healthier me. Hmm, i keep trying to post a link, but it is not working.

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