Thursday, April 28, 2005

No more work.

Whoo HOo!!!! Alex is fired and there is still hope for Tana to become the Apprentice!! She is smart, witty, and a good leader. I hope she wins in the end.
YAY!!!! I don't go back to work until next Monday and I am so excited to finally be getting married in a week!! It's about time. Everything has come along so perfectly and the Day is going to be so perfect!!!! I hope everyone has a good time.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

T.V. night

Just finished watching The Bachelor. Why oh why did he keep the evil Sarah W and send away Kimberly???? Maybe the ex-Boyfriend told him about "Kim Wild." Sarah W. is a skank and that may be why he kept her b/c he knows that soon he will be getting more than a kiss...hehe. Anyways, I really think that he is going to choose Sarah B. in the end. She and him seem to have good chemistry and she is the nicest and most down to earth one of them all, kinda like him. The thing I don't really like about Charlie is his deep voice. He sounds like he has had too many cigarettes in his lifetime. Now, I am watching my new weekly show, Grey's Anatomy...I love DVR!!! And tonight, Law and Order SVU is on but I might watch Judging Amy if it is repeat. I really should be working out right now, but I am not in the mood. I am definitely going to Pilates on Thursday though. Ooh, I am going to have a glass of wine later.

Friday, April 22, 2005

The weekend!

Yay! It's Friday! Today was mine and Kris' combined bridal shower at work thrown by my supervisor and co-worker. It was fun and we received a lot of nice things. Today Chad reserved a limo ride to the reception so we don't have to worry about transportation, yay!! Tonight he left to go to Union Town to finish up some business with his buddy to finish his website. Don't stay away for too long Chad. So, tonight I have Moo and Dezzy helping me out with some stuff around the house along with wedding stuff.
20/20 had a segment on that talked about the misconception about sugar. It does not make you or your children hyper!! It is only a myth that has been around for generations as an excuse for kids being excited.

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Sundays Rock!

Sundays are the best! I wish I could wake up when my body gets up instead of to the alarm clock. Whew, today was quite busy as I cleaned up the kitchen, worked on some laundry, ran some errands with grama, did pilates with Pam, cooked dinner, worked on some more laundry, and watched the tele. The Contender is on and tonight's match was a good one and Joey kicked Jimmy's butt. I am starting to work out more and today starts of the week with doing Pilates for a half hour. Tomorrow I will hit the gym after my dentist appt. I am going to be buff for this summer!!!

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Wow, I got a lot of spring cleaning done today and am so happy. I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom which included mopping the floors on my hands and knees. Not too much going on today other than Chris came home and later Chad and I are going to the Red Fox Inn to see our future DJ in action. I am very hungry so dinner is cooking on the stove right now and I will have to stir it. Jekyll is such a clean cat. I wish Cyrus was as clean.

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Kitty pics!

Since Mother Nature decided to send a Snow Storm Erie's way, I stayed indoors, relaxed a bit, and watched the power flickering about while taking snapshots of my favorite boys. Oh how I love my kitties!

Cyrus sleeping under the bed covers...He must be cold with all that fur right??

Cyrus again sporting his new pink scarf.

And Jekyll ready to defend anyone who tries to take our mail.

Friday, April 01, 2005

Lower your fats

I knew better than to think that Chad would agree on me getting a new car, but I did hope. Looks like I will driving the grama mobile for a while. I think I am going to buy another portable radio that will actually work when I am in the car, perhaps one with an antenna. Anyways, I received a call from my doctor's office today and they uttered some pretty concerning news. About 3 weeks ago I had a physical and had my cholesterol checked. Well, it turns out that my cholesterol is 245 and the desirable level is 200. That means no more fast food, I am going to have to eat less fats, especially animal fats, less cholesterol and exercise more often. I may as well use my nautilus membership anyways right?? That is just a real downer at this age in my life so starting now, is a new, healthier me. Hmm, i keep trying to post a link, but it is not working.