Friday, June 30, 2006


It's Friday, checkup day, then back to work. Uhh, I don't feel like working late tonight but that is what I will probably end up doing. Then, probably end coming in this weekend. I am so annoyed. Zoe has been very active and likes to move around alot, she also likes to sit on my bladder. In the end, it will be worth it all. Had a baby shower last weekend and Zoe received a lot of stuff, she will look so cute in all the outfits. I can't wait to send her pics to everyone when she is born.

Oh, and have you seen Star Jones? She is sooo skinny that I hardly recognized her on TV this morning as she gave an interview. She has lost alot of weight that is for sure. Why they fire her and add Rosie O'donnell is beyond me. I think Rosie is annoying and loud.

Friday, June 23, 2006

I think I am going crazy!!

Work sucks and I am way behind on things. I have about 7 weeks to go until maternity leave and it seems I can't get anything done. I have to return 100 messages and have to balance that with getting paperwork and other stuff done. It's 7:11am and I can't shower b/c FIL is in the shower and I have to wait...arrrrhrhrhrhrh. The turkeys are walking around outside. At least today is a half day and I pick susie up from the airport this afternoon and we get down to business! Zoe is almost here!

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wow, I am 8 months already with less than 2 months to go now. I have been tired and took a nap yesterday and today. This week is another busy week at work for me. I think Zoe's head is down now b/c that is where I feel hiccups. Why aren't there any good shows on during the summer? I am so bored watching crap on tv anymore.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Uh, I feel sick today, don't know why. Maybe it is all the stress from work or something. That's all I can think of or could it be the taco bell I had for lunch? I am tired, cranky, and not feeling well. I have to work tomorrow and hopefully I will feel better by then. Yesterday we started childbirth classes and it was pretty cool. I need to go lay down or something.