Sunday, March 20, 2011

6 month update

It's been 6 months since baby Zac was born and he has brough such joy to our lives. I can't believe I asm still nursing him too, it's awesome! He is such a good baby now and loves his family. When ever he sees his sister he smiles at her. She adores him too. He seems to be teething now as he chews on everything, is a bit fussy and has 2 white spots on the bottom gum. They are going to push through any day now. I should probably go to bed since history proves that when I go to bed to late I am grumpy, late for work, and justy crabby! Hopefully this work week won't be so bad, (fingers crossed). It's been a crazy month and hard to believe that I won't be working past June 30th either. I have worked since I was 16 and losing my job is very surreal to me right now but once it gets closer I am sure the realization will kick in. I will be starting school in the beginning of June.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

$10 off $35 from Dots

Coupon for $10 off 35$ at Dots retail store!

Friday, February 11, 2011


Well Zac is almost 5 months now. He will be on the 18th and is now exploring his feet and it's so cute. He lays on his back and grabs his little toes and now has something new to explore. He is such a good boy but has a short attention span. i have to constantly change what he's doing so he doesn't get bored. I would like to update more but this is good for now. Hopefully I will be able to update more.