Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I am such a nice auntie. Today I helped my neices and nephew clean their rooms. I did more of directing than actually cleaning and it worked out well. I am in the cleaning mode but there is nothing to clean around here so, I found work elsewhere. It feels nice not to actually go to work, I could do this full time!

I can't believe I only have a few more weeks left of being pregnant and a little Zoe will be here. Her room is all ready for her and so are we. Here is a peek at her room.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


I can't believe that people are still writing checks this day and age. Why is it that I am always stuck behind someone who is writing a check at the store? It happened to me again. My hands are swelling today and feel really tight just like my feet. It feels really weird. Maybe it was from all of the walking today.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Last Day!

Today was an eventful day for us. Today was my last day of work, yay!! I went to work around 8:00am and didn't feel quite right around 8:30. I was having some braxton hicks contractions until 9:30 when I knew I didn't feel normal. I felt sick and couldn't even talk on the phone to people. I ended up getting evaluated at the hospital and had only 2 contractions there in an hour. The nurse said that baby zoe will most likely come before her due date. It gave me a feel of what labor is going to be like. I came home and took it easy today and am officially done working until 2 months after baby comes. I am really looking forward to this freedom! Yay!!

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Originally uploaded by mon00707.
Today we had another ultrasound and Zoe looked great! She was moving around a lot in there that's for sure. It was so awesome to see her again before she comes into the real world. Chad got some good video of her hearbeat too. Can't wait to meet our little girl!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Pregnancy really is easy to detect

Ok, so how can one not know she is pregnant? I really don't believe people who say they didn't know they were pregnant. I think they must be in severe denial and don't really want to be pregnant. I can totally tell that I am pregnant. Check out this story.


Monday, July 03, 2006

American and proud

Happy 4th of July! Yay, I have a day off tomorrow, I love holidays! Not sure what I am going to do with my free time but I bet I will work on the baby's room and clean the bathroom. My feet are swollen and feel so heavy right now b/c it is so hot in this house. Today I didn't get much done at work b/c I had to get my teeth cleaned...no cavities! Then, had court hearing and that took an hour and a half. So, I had a few moments to spare at my desk, picked up my free carseat, exchanged some baby stuff then came home and cleaned the changing table.