Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Aching back :(

My back has been hurting since last Thursday and it is really bugging me. I hope this isn't a prediction of what's to come with this pregnancy. If it gets too bad then I will go see a specialist or something. I just don't feel like going to the chiropractor b/c I pay 15 bucks a pop and it seems to just fix me for the short term. I am sitting here on my couch and it smells so bad like someone is burning outside. I smell it everynight and oh, it stinks! Then in the morning Cyrus does his morning ritual at 6:30am Everyday, and I smell that too.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Too much going on, not enough free time...

Work has been super busy and there is so much changing going on in my life that I haven't felt like posting lately. Not like anyone reads this anyways. I can't wait to go to the Train concert this weekend. Finally a day to forget about everything and have fun. I am too serious of a person. The baby's been moving a lot lately, especially when I am laying down. Jekyll woke me up at 5:30 this morning meowing away. I thought we locked him in the back porch so I hurriedly got out of bed only to see him in front of the back door, wanting to go on the back porch. There must have been an animal under the porch or something. Anyways, I go back to sleep and wake up at my usual 6:30ish and finally up at 7. Had a big breakfast at work and Zoe sure ate alot. Got home late tonight and baked a cake. It is cooling down now but I can't wait to eat it!! My back hurts, I am tired, and it feels like my tummy is pushing outward and feels tight.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Seems like I am always hungry these days. Good thing I bought a box of cereal tonight so I can snack on...Yummy Cinnamon Toast Crunch. This weekend we accomplished the baby registry at Babies R US. It was overwhelming to see all of the baby stuff there is! It is really fun scanning all of the baby stuff and imagining what the baby's room will look like though. Thank goodness we have a 3 day weekend this week!! Yay for Good Friday. Anyways, looks like this week is a very busy work week and I will be on my toes. I hope tomorrow morning goes by quickly and things move along. Off to eat my cereal.