Friday, March 31, 2006

Guess who

I wonder who's under the blanket.....

Oh, it's Cyrus.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Whew, today was a busy day. I got to work this morning, hit the gound running, and hadn't stopped since I got home. I made some dinner and baby Zoe enjoyed the food I think. She was wiggling around when I finished and was making me giggle cuz it kinda tickled. Tomorrow is Friday and I have so much work to do...I am hoping to go in early. Uggg. I am trying not to overwork myself but the crap just keeps piling up and I am not going to get caught up!! I can't wait til the weekend, maybe I will go baby shopping!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

My wiggle worm

We had another ultrasound today and saw our little wiggle worm. They said it looks to be a girl as the tech did not see any boy parts and saw girl parts. So, Zoe Grace it will be! We are excited and are thinking pink!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

20 weeks

5 months pregnant today, only 4 more months to go!! I have been feeling more today and it is great! We love you in there!!!

Monday, March 20, 2006

The sleepy cat

I think my baby's growing today. I've felt a little pressure this morning and this afternoon when I got home from work. I am really tired as today was an early day and I was up at 6:30 to be at a meeting at 8:00am. I don't know why I did that to myself but note to self: Don't schedule meetings on monday mornings. Anyways, it worked out well because I ended the afternoon about 15 minutes early anyways so I was happy.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Our wedding

Our wedding
Originally uploaded by mon00707.
Playing with photoshop today and made this collage. I am going to do some more later but for now I have some ironing to do. Happy Sunday!

Friday, March 17, 2006


Why do I watch Soap Operas? These darn people have untreated mental health problems and it is really annoying. For instance, why does Theresa keep going after Ethan when he is married and does not like her. She is so psychotic and he mom needs to admit her to the hospital. Anyways, today I took a well deserved half day and am catching up on some daytime television. What a lazy day.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

cold cold, go away

There is really nothing good on tv tonight. I am watching this show called invasion and it looks pretty interesting, a girl is pregnant with alien beings and is having a "litter." Glad I'm not having a litter, just one. I started a cold today and my nose is runny and cloggy and my head hurt. Feeling better now but if I had it my way, I would have taken a sick day this morning. But, I am not that lucky b/c I had work to do. I can't believe that by the end of next week I will be at 20 weeks...that's half way to the end already. The baby is getting bigger everyday and I am waking up more at night. I can't wait to have another ultrasound.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Tired and leaky...

I am exhausted and it is only Monday,ack. Thankfully I am taking Friday afternoon off. I worked 2 hours over today and most of the time I was driving so why would I be so tired?? I need to get a book to read because all I have been reading are pregnancy books and I am getting tired of reading the same things over and over. I have been getting up 2 or 3 times in the middle of the night lately too. MMM, the smell of baking brownies!! yummy...

Monday, March 06, 2006

Mondays and Fridays are the worst days of the week, I so dread them. I did not want to go to work today and I just didn't have the energy to do much this morning but I did. I wish I could do office work all day. I spent the afternoon driving to and from where I was working and finally got home around 5:40. Then, Chad and I went swimming tonight for some exercise. Tomorrow is a late night.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Feeling better

Hmm...This morning I woke up at 5:00am to go to the bathroom and what do you know, I couldn't go back to bed so I just tossed and turned. So, I get out of bed around 7:10 to and take shower while Chad went to the Zoo to get us free zoo tickets, thanks Star 104.

I am very testy these days and am very emotional, hence, I cry a lot. Chad can say anything to rub me the wrong way, or I can watch something on tv and I am a raging river. It is totally not me. For instance, tonight I was watching Ghost Whisperer that I DVR'd from Sunday and by the end, I was was about adoption and I deal a lot about adoption at work. Anyways, work wasn't as bad as I thought it would be and that made me feel a lot better. I finally got my car washed and that was a big load on my shoulders. I hope this month is upward movement from here. January and February have been very difficult for me.