Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Funny pic

Remember this picture Michael? You were pretty drunk after the bachelor party.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Jekyll the cat

Jekyll the cat
Originally uploaded by mon00707.
Jekyll is the funniest cat. Here he is with his tongue sticking out. It is surprising Chad was able to take a picture becasue he never leaves his tongue out long enough to snap a pic.

Thursday, January 26, 2006


I think I have been watching too much Fear Factor lately because last night I had a horrible dream. I dreamt that I had a flying hissing cockroach and a huge bee, almost like a very huge queen bee. We actually had a very huge bee in out house during the summer and my cat was chasing after it in the kitchen. I was so glad he didn't get stung because he probably would have died. The husband took the almighty bee and hornet spray and that immediately shot it down. Anyways, in my dream last night the bee was hiding behind the entertainment center and I kept telling Chad to kill it and he didn't. Then I was walking around the house and my sister was here. The flying cockroach was following me around and got stuck in my hair. I went into a room and flicked the roach in and shut the door. I kept telling my sister to kill the roach and she just ignored me. I immediately woke up and was so scared for a minute and so mad that I dreamt about those disgusting bugs. I think it was also the fact that Chad shut the bedroom door and the cats weren't there to protect me from bad dreams. Tonight they will be by my side.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

I have been working very hard these past 3 weeks and am getting very sick of working so much overtime but if I didn't, I would get most of my work done. Anywaysl, I took Friday off so it will be nice to have a day off but I will probably end up working a few hours on Sunday.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Tu parle francis?

Going to a Baby Shower today which should be interesting. I love showers and am planning one for a girl I work with. I woke up early today around 7:30 and I could have stayed up but, I didn't. So officially got up at 9:30am today. My neices were over and they were awake as well so I stayed up and made breakfast. The girls had cereal and I had waffles. I hope there is some food at this shower because I haven't eaten since breakfast and I get cranky when I am hungry. I will bring a snack with me just in case. Au revoir! Monique

Friday, January 13, 2006


I wish I had the motivation to put my Christmas stuff away, perhaps this weekend I will. Today I worked overtime today and got my car washed inside and out. Yesterday I drove to the boonies and almost got stuck in a very muddy drive way. I need a new haircut and I found a website where you can upload your photo and see how you look in different hairstyles. http://www.lhj.com/lhj/index.jhtml

Sunday, January 08, 2006

New Year.

It is a new year and I have not made any resolutions because I think they are overrated. Today we went to see Hostel and it was a pretty gross movie. Then we had the Olive Garden for dinner and I hardly ate anything. I love their breadsticks. Not much going on around here except for working and enjoying the weekend off. Hopefully tomorrow, Sunday the husband and I will check out some open houses to look at some houses.