Thursday, June 30, 2005

"Since you been gone"

I had a very long day working day as I had to drive to Pittsburgh and didn't get back until 6:40pm. Afterwards, I went to find some shoes and, no luck so I bought a new wallet...which I needed anyways. I came home around 8:00 and was pretty tired. I have been watching the tele, and playing videos on the internet. I saw that new one from Jessica Simpson, "These boots were made for walking", she should just walk right out of the music business b/c she can not sing. The presentation in the video is the only thing that makes these untalented women POPular. The video is nothing but a striptease, but hey, sex sells right? Tomorrow is finally Friday and I hope it goes better than the past few days have. I really need to get some paperwork done. Kelly Clarkson rocks! I just got finished watching the music video "behind these hazel eyes" and it was very interesting and when she sang "since you been gone" live on MTV, that was awesome too.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Is it Friday Yet!!!

Is it Friday yet?? I just don't feel like going into work anymore this week, I have had enough these past 2 days. Chad and I went to Cook Forest this past weekend to get away and it was nice. We went canoeing, horseback riding, and did a little hiking. We slept in our little 2 man tent and the second day bought an air mattess b/c we were tired of sleeping on the hard ground. We came home and I had to work Monday. This weekend we have picnics to go to, but all I want to do is stay home and sleep the weekend away or stay home and do nothing. I'm so tired so I am going to lay down on the couch. good night!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Colin Powell

I am so tired, but I thought I would post anyways. Tonight, former Secretary of State General (Ret) Colin Powell was the keynote speaker at the Manufacturers' Association of Northwest Pennsylvania 100th anniversary celebration. Chad, Kelly, and I decided to be a part of the catering group and serve the food to the consumers. It was an experience I won't forget. I was able to experience first hand what it takes to work as a banquet worker. I wouldn't do it again, but it was a good experience to walk in someone else's shoes. I was glad to be able to enjoy some of the fringe benefits such as eating the food, and watching Colin Powell speak and see him in person. I have been so busy at work lately that I am going nut and it is hard to get my paperwork done anymore. It seems that is the majority of my job and I am constantly on the road. Not to mention I have to go to Clarion friday for training. GEez!! why it is not in a closer location is beyond me.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


I just don't feel like doing much of anything this week. I finally cleaned the kitchen today then messed it up again by cooking dinner. I still have a basket of towels to fold and my desk still needs organized. Not to mention the millions of things I have to do at work in which I will be putting in many hours of overtime tomorrow after regular hours. Saturday is Kris' wedding and I haven't found a dress to wear so I will have to wear something I already have that I really don't want to. This weekend is going to be so busy and I am not looking forward to having to go back to work Monday. In other news, Chad and I just came from Pam's apartment to see her furniture and it is very nice!!

Monday, June 13, 2005

Life is but a dream...

It has been a while since my last post. It has been quite busy around here since the wedding. In the last couple weeks, the living room window decided to fall on my finger; hence causing me excrutiating pain for a couple days, I bought a new car: 2001 Honda Civic EX (I so desperately needed/deserved), and went down to Pittsburgh with some co-workers to have a night on the town with Kris and her friends for her bachelorette party. The strippers were very, ahhh, touchy feely, to say the least. It was a blast!!! Back to work today and thankfully we have the day off tomorrow for Flag Day. Yay!! I really need to file my paperwork here at home but all I want to do when I get here is relax and watch tv. I need to motivate myself. Maybe after this post I will. We really need to work on the Thank You cards.